Does this make me gay?

clearly, it makes you bi-sexual.

And that means twice the chance of getting laid on a saturday night, which is a good thing. I guess.

j/k dude. Stay with the bro. Bang the chick when he's done with you.
Damn B2S, Maybe... Just maybe... She really liked you. Ever think about that. Just because she's hot doesn't mean she wouldn't like you. I mean give the girl a break, possibly she likes one legged, Sloth looking Steroid pumping BiSexual men from New England. Just maybe.
This is a funny one...Well maybe you just haven't realize that you do have a gay side...Just the Rehab done and get back to the
Well chances of her telling you to turn over and doing a brush by is slim. Get the better therapy and go to a message parlor bro. Shes probobly a cock tease anyway. Just like marrige-you end up still injured and disappointed.
Hey, my wife's hot as hell and I'm never dissappointed. I am so thankful every time I get to be with her... It's like driving a Ferrari, it never gets old.