Dont have a heart attack!!! :)


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
LOL, thats for all the old vets who have been around for more than a few years. I was in the neighborhood and figured I'd pop in and say HEY!!!!

Lots and lots of new faces man how things change.

damn, where you been old man??? :wave:

Crawled under a bridge and left society. Wife and I got divorced and I pretty much shut every one out. Missed the gym for almost a whole year, got fat.....not mroe else to say except I'm back in the gym and the fat is disolving you been bud, you didnt go an get fat on me now did ya lol.

Crawled under a bridge and left society. Wife and I got divorced and I pretty much shut every one out. Missed the gym for almost a whole year, got fat.....not mroe else to say except I'm back in the gym and the fat is disolving you been bud, you didnt go an get fat on me now did ya lol.


Ah divorce--- sorry to hear that but I know it well.
Glad to have you back.
MdTNT ... good to see ya bro.. the old heads are resurfacing again.. LOL ... anyway, divorce,... me too, everything happens for a reason.. so now i'm remarried, back at the gym, and life is good! .. mentally life can be a challenge, the gym is a great focus for alot of people.. helps keep us sane.. or insane, depending on how you look at it.. ;)

regardless.. good to have you back
Well damn! More of us old members around than i thought lol.

Good to see all of you still around.

MMX - I was going to im you today but figured I wouldnt bug you since you were mobile lol.
Well, I'm not getting any younger but I will stick around for a while now. Not much else to do ;)

the gym is a great focus for alot of people.. helps keep us sane.. or insane, depending on how you look at it.. ;)

Amen! Stickler

Though Im a man of few words and dont say a whole lot, it is always good to read from guys that been around for years.
Crawled under a bridge and left society. Wife and I got divorced and I pretty much shut every one out. Missed the gym for almost a whole year, got fat.....not mroe else to say except I'm back in the gym and the fat is disolving you been bud, you didnt go an get fat on me now did ya lol.

well, of course we all get fat at one time of another...i go by that saying, "You have to get out of shape to get back into shape." about 179lbs & about 5-6% bodyfat at the 4 more wks to go at the moment & then i can eat again :D good to see you around again bro! :thumbsup:
LOL, thats for all the old vets who have been around for more than a few years. I was in the neighborhood and figured I'd pop in and say HEY!!!!

Lots and lots of new faces man how things change.


You old fart.
well, of course we all get fat at one time of another...i go by that saying, "You have to get out of shape to get back into shape." about 179lbs & about 5-6% bodyfat at the 4 more wks to go at the moment & then i can eat again :D good to see you around again bro! :thumbsup:

damn bro, u should post some pics. not many people reach that conditioning.