Ebola Virus Outbreak! EPIDEMIC

Yes and ebola is the most efficient killer of all the hemorrhagic fevers. Something in the range of 95-98% mortality. That is the scary part. There are some characteristics of it that prevent it from becoming a large pandemic disease in the sense that AIDs/HIV has become. One it is so efficient a killer and it has a relatively short incubation from time of infection til symptoms develop that its not that easy to spread once the diagnosis has been made. Plus, thank God its not airborne. If it were there would be a complete thinning of the human race. This is truly one of the most dangerous viruses known to man. Throw in the fact the index case and the disease reservoir has never been exactly pinned down and you have the makings of a possible world wide panic attack. It is also worth mentioning that it is mainly only in underdeveloped countries that it spreads with any degree of rapidity due to their lack of training, lower standards of hygienic microbial control of the health care facilities. Even a minor out break here would be tragic but it would be controlled so quickly that it wouldn't pose much at large risk. Lets hope it gets corralled soon in Africa as well.

Yes this is a cleaner country but no matter where u go there is always lack of effort to do so. Ive worked in several hospitals and been to several clinics and I can say that we are not ready for the ebola virus here. If it hits, we will not be ready. I only hear about these things on the news. Hospitals and other health facilities are not taking extra measure to be kooking for it. They wont know what hit them untill its to late.
Not true at least not in my experience and im a MLS that has worked in microbiolgy and i now work at a School that trains nurses and lab techs as well as premed students. No one is ready for the 1 st couple of cases of any disease like this. Just as someone mentioned haunta virus earlier in the thread. We had some cases of it in the southwest several yrs ago and it was contained pretty quickly in spite of not being on alert for it and it can be spread through the air. This country only ignores and reacts slowly to these things when it is political ie HIV. They screwed the poooch on that one because no one in the govt cared ( or still dont for some) because of who the victims were. Ebola can take out anyone so it will be contained should it happen. AIDs killed gays and poor drug addicts and no one gave a shit because they could lose votes by acting on that. But ill stop now. If you guys care to fear this and worry over it thats fine but there are far more barbarians alot closer to the gate than ebola.
I guess it really depends on location. MlS, I cant argue with you im just an MT. But I can say it depends on what area it hits first. Some places would be able to contain it fast and others I believe will not have to knowledge to contain it or even know what it is untill its in its late stage and lots are infected. This is america but there are still some nasty health care facilities out there. Poor and some only have a health department for treatment thats open part time.
The CDC has a team sitting on ready now. No matter what the opinion of govt agencies are - and mine is pretty damn low- they handle these things as best as possible and better than anyone else in the world can. Glad to know there's a fellow lab rat here though. :cool:
No. It, south america and Asia are the worlds hot bed of emerging pathological viruses and bacteria. Much of them zoonotic in nature. They jump from animals to humans and then continue to mutate till human to human transmission becomes possible. Many theories say its due to the livestock many times living with the humans for protection from predators and theives. Also a big big bush meat trade still exits in many of these areas
While in the Navy I traveled around Asian country. Some nice and some very very poor. Trash everywhere and houses made like sheds and were talking run down sheds not nice and new lol. They said not to eat the meat or drink the water. As far as healthcare facilities go im not sure how they were. I did get to hang with some Asian military for a few days. Imigration can be a good thing but has gotten out of control and I think for guidelines should be put in place before one should be able to pass from country to country. Obama, wait thats a new thread. Lol
Gilto- you know your shit bro you realy do..im siting here nodding my head to all you have wrote..look at the thia bird flu that jumped and you spoke about the spannish flu..as long as good hygiene standards are kept and even low standards will be much higher than that of most 3rd world countrys.
gloves and sanitizer plus an understanding of quaratine should keep it at bay..plus you dont see us eating much bush meat i.e fruit bats, monkeys and the like..bush meat is a huge player in the spread of Ebola and has been banned but can still be brought in every market place..
We do have better sanitation and all that goes along. We dont eat bush meat either. Those are not really what worries me. It doesnt really worry me at all really but its the fact that alot of assholes think they will be ok going over there where the virus is and everything is ok. Then they will bring it back with them, spread that shit to the population on the plane or whatever. Then that shit will end up in my childs daycare. Thats what pisses me off. Best place for a virus is a school or daycare, it will thrive.
Yes but this particular virus works too fast for that. Worst case a hundred people and only then if no one reported to an ER or doctor and just kept running into new people. A day or 2 after symptoms appear you aint feeling like going no where but a hospital. The danger will be mostly to health care workers. Thats who i worry about in the initial cases of a disease like this
scary disease, but good point from gitlo, virus acts too fast not to be contained. Even if you look at numbers, so far less than 1000, which is in statistical terms nothing.
They are bringing back to America, two people with Ebola. Allegedly in quarantine... Sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Its the doctor who contracted it. They're taking him to Emory in isolation. It will not cause an outbreak here. What should we do for a doctor who basically sacrificed his life to help the most helpless of people on earth? There is a very minute chance btw that he could survive. There have been cases of medical workers surviving after catching this in previous outbreaks. Mainly because they knew pretty quickly aft that they had contracted it and started treatment as it existed immediately. Im hoping the gut makes it.