Enlarged Prostrate


New member
Hey guys, need a little info. I have an enlarged prostrate. Causes buring when I pee. That was first sign. I went to urologist. He ran scope up my ass and then up my dick. No adnormalities but I do have an enlarged prostrate. I'm sure its do to age and use of gear. My questions, do any of you continue with your use of gear with enlarged prostrate? What is best sup for it? O and btw my PSA went up from 4.3 to 5.3 then last blood test was 6. But as I said, my test came back negative. I take Saw palmetto about 600mg and I started on 5mgs a day of cialis. Got a guy I know that has had EP for several years. He is heavy user and says when he comes off he gets better with symptoms. I have stopped using gear for about a month but havent had much relief from symptoms. Any and all information is appreciated. I'm 45 and would like to continue with my HRT but having sex out weighs building muscle. lol
Ah dang it..exactly....Cialis 5mg is now approved for bpa, a great OTC that Presser discovered is Dr Developed prostate defense.I'm next to you in age and found out orals like dbol seem to cause me more problems.. What ware you taking btw.. And give the cialis couple weeks ..also I did 10mg for two weeks cause I needed to piss full throttle and it kick started it I think..

I never had burn when I pee and bpa. You sure you didn't stick the wand into toxic beaver bro?
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LOL, no toxi beaver, that was the first test I did. I have taken, test, tren and deca. No orals. I havent' taken anything in 5 weeks, trying to give myself a break, I did clomid for 4 weeks. This has got me up peeing all damn night, and when I say buring it would be better described as a razor blade coming out. Dr. gave me flomax, shit makes you not be able to hold your water, so I junked it. He is treating symptom not cause. I know, procar and others can reduce size and help but sides are scary. I think my days of using gear maybe over. Risk return is not looking good at this point unless someone can give me info on doing gear with enlarged prostrated and how to control the enlargment.
Well glad you left the angry beaver alone.. Ok one other question.. How long were you on these aas and what were dosages? Possibly may just take patience and I'd be drinking mass cranberry and other juices , watermelon is good for prostate, and let time do it's thing.. Anavar and primobolan/ masteron are a better choice for no prostate issues when next round comes after time off is equal to the time on as they say..
Used gear when I was 19-22, then started again when I was 38, so I've been using off and on for 7 years. 4 years was 200mg Test 200mg deca, 12 on 4 off, last 3 years, Test 200mg week, 76mg eod tren. didn't do very good job of pct. usually took 2 weeks off then jumped back on. I have amped up to 400mg of test with the 76mg eod tren. last few rounds I was 400mg week test and 400mg of deca. I had to take HydroC for 3 years for bad back so always stayed away from orals. I drink moderatley but have cut back on the beer and no longer taking meds for back. But, those may have played a part in the enlargment. Thanks for the help, I have had times (day) with very little buring then days with razor blades coming out. No problem with the trigger during sex, some buring but still goes off. Other than fuck head Dr. not telling me to wear a rubber the first time after the biopsy, trammatic for my gal, lol, I haven't had any issues with sex. I will definitly hit the juice and watermelon, I did see where Nuk said to take 2000mg of Saw Palmetto. Is that correct?
Ok so the prostate has been run through the wringer with other meds and little booze .. Glad youre back in the gym first butha and know things like this happen to probably lots of us. Second there have been new studies that saw palmetto" extract" doesn't really do much.. Which I find odd because the extract "85% fatty acids" is in that OTC pill talked about . So I think. 640mg of the 85% extract is a good thing and would do it along with what else you are doing.. I think time will help .
O, I never left the gym, I lifted drug free after I got out of college and could tear some weights ass up but age came around fat started pilling up so at 38 I looked into HRT with a group out of Fla, was great deal but expensive as hell. Then I hired a guy and he was exBB and had owned a gym, I started doing the ug stuff. You know how it is building muscle is like your dick, its never big enough.. one last question for you or anybody with enlarged prostrate, should I use gear again? and/or does anyone on here use gear with enlarged prostrate??
Again, thanks I appreciate the info.
O, I never left the gym, I lifted drug free after I got out of college and could tear some weights ass up but age came around fat started pilling up so at 38 I looked into HRT with a group out of Fla, was great deal but expensive as hell. Then I hired a guy and he was exBB and had owned a gym, I started doing the ug stuff. You know how it is building muscle is like your dick, its never big enough.. one last question for you or anybody with enlarged prostrate, should I use gear again? and/or does anyone on here use gear with enlarged prostrate??
Again , thanks I appreciate the info.

Oh.well join the club.. Lol.. I currently have something of the sort but being of the unemployed and no health insurance I am guessing it's enlarged. Not burning dick bad just slow off and on but I know it's from some Bol and var that falls into my handful of vitamins daily for oh.. 2months thus far ..i am stopping both when bottles are empty because god forbid leave some left..but I am also taking hrt tpp and will stop that when jug is empty and drop to hrt masteron and winny to end the summer.. Maybe it's crazy but I don't take elephant doses and my little pony does quite well and his bloodwork always on point.. So yes I do for your last question.. Lol. Keep training clean and let the prosser rest for another month..
Lol, yea amazing how extra gear gets used up. That was my plan, just let it rest for awhile get, try some of the lastest greatest herbs and meds to shrink , then do blood work and see if PSA down, and then jump on, ride it hard for 12 weeks, get off for 6weeks do blood again see where we at. Burning has slowed a little two weeks into cialis, flow is better, I'm off of the clomid also. Amazingly my strength is great. but, I am storing fat like hell. lol. O well, I'll call this my bulk time. Thanks
Funny that the cialis is mentioned here....I have an enlarged prostate and never knew cialis was being prescribed for this....however, I noticed that whenever I did take cialis and viagra that my piss flow was always better.

I mostly take test only. When I come off(if I ever do) I do notice that the symptoms go away. I am sure it probably has been mentioned but propecia works very well....just need to make sure you take test with it in case their are any sexual side effects.
I read a lot about propecia, sides worry me. but if my symptoms continue I will have to move to something stronger. currently doing 5mg to 10mg of cialis, saw palmetto, no gear, and eat the shit out of fruit and vegs. also looked at advodart,(spelling?) read these two guys can take your sex drive away for life even after you get off.
I read a lot about propecia, sides worry me. but if my symptoms continue I will have to move to something stronger. currently doing 5mg to 10mg of cialis, saw palmetto, no gear, and eat the shit out of fruit and vegs. also looked at advodart,(spelling?) read these two guys can take your sex drive away for life even after you get off.

Exactly right . Use the avodart and proscar and flomax as a last resort. Aren't you pissen better yet?
a little better, flow is definitly better, still couple razor blades here and there. but been off for month and half, talking the cialas about 4 weeks, and other sups about 4 weeks, gona give it another month and get blood test see where psa is and see how my pisser is doing. starting the hard core part of my job next week be working in the heat about 4 to 6 hours a day, I've always used this time to cut down and used light amount of gear to keep my energy level up, but this year i'm going to stay off and see. I really would like to hit another cycle, ive learned so much about bb in last year. I've always lifted but used more of an football players routine great for strength but not really for the bb. I would like to see how I do with the clean eating and gear. I'm 6'3 and running a about 250, I've been up to 270 but suprising my strength is still there. hit 315 for 6s last week, used the whole stack on pull downs. for me thats good weight. push a little more when on gear in the bench but back stength is there
a little better, flow is definitly better, still couple razor blades here and there. but been off for month and half, talking the cialas about 4 weeks, and other sups about 4 weeks, gona give it another month and get blood test see where psa is and see how my pisser is doing. starting the hard core part of my job next week be working in the heat about 4 to 6 hours a day, I've always used this time to cut down and used light amount of gear to keep my energy level up, but this year i'm going to stay off and see. I really would like to hit another cycle, ive learned so much about bb in last year. I've always lifted but used more of an football players routine great for strength but not really for the bb. I would like to see how I do with the clean eating and gear. I'm 6'3 and running a about 250, I've been up to 270 but suprising my strength is still there. hit 315 for 6s last week, used the whole stack on pull downs. for me thats good weight. push a little more when on gear in the bench but back stength is there

Well good luck with being off the gear bro and starting the tough part of your work soon.

Also I was the same way coming from a football background which was mostly Olympic lifts and I didnt get it right away either when i started bodybuilding and back theni had to read mags and pick peoples brains as these boards werent really around much to learn from.
Presser, yes this is the only board I really look at and read and I have learned a lot about how to eat, and things to use for pct, took some clomid for 4 weeks I think thats why my strength has stayed above ave. again for me. Thats how I fucked my back up.. was doing power cleans at 34 years old, like a dumb fuck, I guess I thought I'd be able do that shit forever. That has always been my best lift. I could put the hammer down on 350 in college, so I didn't want to give it up, but that shit is not really what my intent is now. I don't have to be strong, I just want to look like it. lol. btw hows the neck, I got another epy 3 weeks ago, damn good for me. Help me move some good iron around in the gym
Presser, yes this is the only board I really look at and read and I have learned a lot about how to eat, and things to use for pct, took some clomid for 4 weeks I think thats why my strength has stayed above ave. again for me. Thats how I fucked my back up.. was doing power cleans at 34 years old, like a dumb fuck, I guess I thought I'd be able do that shit forever. That has always been my best lift. I could put the hammer down on 350 in college, so I didn't want to give it up, but that shit is not really what my intent is now. I don't have to be strong, I just want to look like it. lol. btw hows the neck, I got another epy 3 weeks ago, damn good for me. Help me move some good iron around in the gym

Exactly brutha!

And my neck is doing a bit better, lots of rest

thanks for all the input, how do you post a pic on here. clue me in Ill show yall what a broke down 45 year old looks like
thanks for all the input, how do you post a pic on here. clue me in Ill show yall what a broke down 45 year old looks like

scrolol down to Manadae attachments, and then click "browse" and then shoose the photo from your pc.
Bro, I know I'm a retard. but I dont see what you are talking about. Only button close to that is insert image and it ask for url. I dont see anything that says attachments. sorry need little more help, techno handicap.
Bro, I know I'm a retard. but I dont see what you are talking about. Only button close to that is insert image and it ask for url. I dont see anything that says attachments. sorry need little more help, techno handicap.

did u ever figure this out? I was in this thread deleting some assholes spam and ran into ur post and didnt know if u got this figured out yet

And hows the old Prostate doing
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