Enter to Win a FREE Halotest-25


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We will be having a random drawing in a couple of weeks to give away Halotest-25 and I wanted to let everyone on Muscle Chemistry have the chance to put in for it.
sweet bro, whats halotest do anyways?

This is a halodrol clone. So gains will be very lean and dry. I have taken halodrol a few times, and loved it each time. You want to run this for 6 weeks since it takes about a week or 2 to realy kick in. This is perfect for doing a clean bulk or leaning out. Not to mention this compound is very mild and shouldn't cause any bad sides. Milk thistle is a must though since it is methylated....
This is a halodrol clone. So gains will be very lean and dry. I have taken halodrol a few times, and loved it each time. You want to run this for 6 weeks since it takes about a week or 2 to realy kick in. This is perfect for doing a clean bulk or leaning out. Not to mention this compound is very mild and shouldn't cause any bad sides. Milk thistle is a must though since it is methylated....

Well put!! Thanks Zeus!