Ergopharm 6-OXO

That is the worst stuff I have ever done in my life, and is way over priced. Just usse HCG and Clomid, I sta away from Nova and Arimidex casue it surpresses IGF.
6 oXo

I used 6-OXO for a PCT after a cycle of mag 10. During my cycle I gained about 15 lbs. I kept about 13 of that after using 6-OXO. I can't say it is entirely responsible for me keeping all of my gains, but it certainly didn't hurt. Needless to say I was impressed with it.
Im a mod at Anabolex, and a month or so ago, I posted the results of my personal experience with 6OXO.......In a nutshell, Im a huge believer it works, and would recommend it to anyone looking to avoid the "girly" symptoms associated with clomid....It worked very well for me.

Turner16 I hear 6-xo with creatien helps as well. Esp, if u are coming off cycle....

well considering creatine makes you retain water id say creatine and anything will help coming off a cycle until you stop the creatine of course then bye bye water retention
After a cycle of lets say M1T I take VPX Sports Aromadex
and Nutrex's Vitrix for 2 weeks. And I maintain about 90%
of my gains.
If i get the money in time for that expensive shit, i will try it after my 4 week clomid+nolva post cycle...

supposedly 6OXO is good to take even post-post cycle ;)

However this is out of the mouth of Patrick Arnold himself, persumably just trying to get more people to buy his product...
odd how u need like 3 bottles or more of 6OXO, and at close to $40 a piece ur gonna end up payin $120 for a post cycle...

u could run clomid, nolva, hcg, etc... for a fraction of that! pat arnold must be makin a killer profit

You can buy VPX'S Aromadex which is much better then
6 OXO at for $43.95 240cc bottle
which will last you 1 month.
Or if you rather get 6 oxo you can get one bottle for
$27.95. I have checked every where and massnutrition
is the cheapest check it out and see for yourself.:)

Take Care!:)
thanks for the heads up about massnutrition, i have been using for the last couple years and am quickly finding out they do not have the best prices at all.
"Androstetrione (Androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione also sold as the brand "6-OXO")

Androstetrione is usually sold under the brand name 6-OXO and goes for somewhere between $35-$55 for 6 grams. The capsules contain 100mg each but a serving is listed as 3 capsules or 300mg. We sell this in a bulk powder form undiluted and without any fillers. Save 50% by getting it from us and capping it yourself.

Androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione 30 grams powder -- $79.99

This product is the active ingredient of the product known/sold as "6-OXO" though we are not making any claims about it other then what you are buying is androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione in a powder form. If you are interested in reselling this material as 6-OXO and making claims about it; please contact the people at this website. We do not currently offer deeper discounts on larger amounts."

Even this is still too expensive considering the cheaper alternatives. But it certainly cheaper than the above.