Ethyl Oleate

im bout to find out lol here in the next week ive heard its painless from some but very painful from you and one other person ill let you know.
yeah bro well add another 2 people to the list of pain pain pain! lol, hope it works better for others
i've only used one product with EO, and it does hurt.. it doesn't hurt going in, but 2 days later i'm a gimp when using it in my quads...

HOWEVER.. the same dose mixed with 2ml of other products no pain at all... 2.5ml w/ no pain... .5ml/cc's .. alone, and i'm gimped out...
I saw something where some kept saying "triple filtered" EO... is that LESS painfull? .. i only ask, because I've seen 600mg/ml EQ, and it sounds freakin' awesome... just the potential for pain scares the shit out of me!
ive ran eq 400 mg/ml and it was pain free i think if its not too excessive dosed with ba or if its EO then it wouldnt be bad
I've had a problem with EO, made some 200 TP. No pain going in, bad swelling 2 days later. 100 TP in cottonseed oil with same mg dose (more oil) no problem.

I originally wanted the 200mg test to mix with Tren so total oil volume would be less but no go :(
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justintempler said:
I've had a problem with EO, made some 200 TP. No pain going in, bad swelling 2 days later. 100 TP in cottonseed oil with same mg dose (more oil) no problem.

I originally wanted the 200mg test to mix with Tren so total oil volume would be less but no go :(

200mg TP goin in no pain... 2 days later.. ouchie
damn im scared now haha why do people say thats why they use it cause its painless im gonna be in some pain next week ouch already.
take the panties off gbart... j/k ... yeah it's not fun by itself.. mixed w/ other stuff.. no sweat.. alone.. no likey
Gbart is not a good source for info when it comes to anything he needs to inject. the poor kid breaks out in a sweat!
haha tru story mike haha ill be good i cant wait to start i think .75 in my glutes wont be too horrible ill let ya know though :)
Gbart said:
haha tru story mike haha ill be good i cant wait to start i think .75 in my glutes wont be too horrible ill let ya know though :)

i was doing .5mg in my quads... ouchie on just .5 .. lol .. i gotta mix it or i get flu like symptoms and pain