Experience with Tuff Stuff, Hudson Steel or Batca equipment?


New member
I've been given the task at work of setting up an on site gym. We have a lmited budget, and limited space, so I'm looking at used "multi station", multi stack type machine. No freeweights allowed (I know, I know). So for the most bang for the buck, one of these type of machines is best. Also limited space, which is another reason for this type of machine.

So, I'm looking at units from Tuff Stuff, Hudson and Batca. Each from a different supplier, each fits in our budget. Anybody know anything about and/or have experience with any of these brands? I know of Tuff Stuff, though I've never used any of it. Anybody have any feedback? It looks like all three are similarly equipped as far as function goes. The Tuff Stuff deal will include a Cybex treadmill with a one year warranty (none of the others offer this); the Batca includes a Landice treadmill (never heard of them) with no warranty. So I'm leaning towards the Tuff Stuff/Cybex deal, but looking for input.
Thx. It looks like we're going to go with the Tuff Stuff/Cybex deal. Seems like the nicest equipment and the deal the guy is giving us makes it fit in our budget just as well as the other options. Plus, he's including a warranty on both pieces, which none of the others offered.
I'm pretty excited about this because it's very difficult for me to get to the gym when I'm working. I work 5 to 5, so I get up at 3 am when on days and nights are nights. ... if you have to do nights you know what I mean. So this way at least I can get a half asses workout in during lunch or whatever!
Check it out, just took delivery of our gym equipment yesterday. We took over some previously very under utilized space, built the room and got our equipment, all in roughly 2 months' time.

We got all commercial grade equipment; the weight stack machine is Tuff Stuff, and is what you might find in a hotel gym. It is very well built, and pretty versatile. While not the same as a 'real' gym with barbells and dumbbells, it sure beats nothing! The treadmill is a Cybex commercial unit and the elliptical is an Octane commercial unit.

The coolest part of this is that the boss fully expects this gym to be used during work hours! I work at a power plant; we do 12 hour shifts including nights. As long as the plant needs come first, he's fine with an on-shift workout! I'm very excited because my workout schedule suffers badly on account of my work schedule.
Damn that's probably one of the nicest little multi use set ups I've ever seen! Looks versatile as hell
Yeah, it's really nice! 4 200 lb stacks, it does damn near any exercise you might want to do. All this equipment is "used" and we got it for about half retial value (still spent close to 8 grand) but it was "used" as demo equipment or hardly at all , so it's in great shape! And you don't have to be an engineer to set it up for whatever exercise you want to do, either. Very happy with it!

This is what that space looked like before. We moved that HVAC duct:

Built the room in the available space:

And you already saw the result. Got my first workout in this afternoon and the weight stack machine works as good as it looks! I am going to have to try to talk the boss into buying the extra weight for each stack, though. But in the meantime I can get a halfway decent workout in on days I otherwise would get none!