Exposure to female fertility pheromones influences men's drinking.

Dean Destructo

New member
Research has shown that humans consciously use alcohol to encourage sexual activity. In the current study, we investigated whether decision making about alcohol use and sex can be cued outside of awareness by recently revealed sexual signaling mechanisms. Specifically, we examined if males exposed without their knowledge to pheromones emitted by fertile females would increase their alcohol consumption, presumably via neurobehavioral information pathways that link alcohol to sex and mating.

We found that men who smelled a T-shirt worn by a fertile female drank significantly more (nonalcoholic) beer, and exhibited significantly greater approach behavior toward female cues, than those who smelled a T-shirt worn by a non fertile female.

These findings reveal previously unknown influences on
human alcohol consumption, augment the research base for pheromone cuing of sexual behavior in humans, and raise the possibility that other, as yet unknown, pathways of behavioral influence may be operating hidden from view.

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Tan R1, Goldman MS1.
Alcohol just knocks my libido way down. It is a central nervous system depressant. I have experienced female pheramones. They strongly effected me in the morning. And that was after sex the previous night. This woman I was with said she was known to do that to other men. Some women seem to put out large amounts of these pheramones and others put out very little. Researchers are not sure why this is.
I can smell them on any women. I always smell the spot behind a woman's ear when I am dating her early on. If the smell makes me get aggressive and my heart pumping then I know the sex will be great at least for me, lol.

Also I can close my eyes and tell each of my children by the smell of their head, I am sure a lot of parents will say the same. Pheromones play a huge role in all living things lives I believe, that is why I am so interested.
What is a fertile female??? one who is ovulating or one who is capable of having kids 11ish to 40 somthing??