fat burner with out muscle loss

I would say Clen for me personally, there are very small anabolic properties with it, so with high protein it always did a great job for me. I get concerned about permanent changes to my heart though. Grab some MC Aqua burn, some of the strongest stuff on the market, 1 drop equals about 10 micrograms.
I experienced a lil chest discomfort after a short clen cycle, scared me enough to not touch it again. But I'll stick with eca and aas. Or t3 and aas cycle to counter the muscle wasting. just me though, so to each their own. Oxy elite pro was my favorite though always got the best fat burn on that shit old formula and the "old" new formula ha

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Personally I think clen has been the worst to keep size for me. I probably wasn't stacking right. The best fat loss aid has been eca or ecy along with b12 and injectable l-carnitine.
Absolutely clen but I always eat like a horse when taking it so I prefer a test cycle with fasted cardio
What about some OTC fat burners ? I have tried only l-carnitine but had no effect for me . I hear from friends that are training natural , or swimmers that some complexfat burner products work really well . I will get one next month . I think i just lost my faith in any OTC supplements except protein and creatine .
All OTC fat burners are the same; it's just forms of caffeine and amounts you take.
OP. I read your contest prep thread so I would say T3 with the gear u are on since it will eliminate muscle wasting(if this question is for you) The other alternative that hasn't been mentioned is Albuterol. It has actually been shown to increase muscle in some studies.
Absolutely clen but I always eat like a horse when taking it so I prefer a test cycle with fasted cardio

I agree! Clen! I thought I was the only one who got serious hunger cravings on clen. I could eat two full mexican meals at one sitting and feel like I haven't yet ate!
Clen gives me severe heart palpitations and pressure on the heart. Great stuff! It works! But I can't and wont do it anymore. Any other good OC fat burners out there? Ive read anything with Yohimbe Hcl is good.