Favorite tricep exercise for mass

my fav. routine is this

rope pushdowns 3 x 20
close grip press (smythe) 3 x 15,12,10
skull crushers or some type extension (overhead, lying, ect) 3 x 15-20

I have to go lighter cause of my elbows are messed up...sore as hell
my tri's have always been one of my best parts. Easy growth. Anyway, I can't do close grip prob bc I dont know how. They always hurt my wrist and my chest gets to pumped. Im also semi-clumsy. I van do skull-crushers really heavy. I do them them on a decline bench and strict. try it. I need someone to show me close grip though
well I dont really know which is the best, but I do prefer higher reps for triceps.
close grip bench, french press, cable pressdowns and bench dips...cant do skull crushers anymore...even light weight just killlls my elbows