Female Bodybuilder I am training.

Lighting not very good in the pics but it looks like she's carrying a shitload of water, especially lower back and quads... cant wait to see stage pics. Whats her height and weight at?

Yes she actually has a heatlh issue that makes her retain more than a shitload of water. Getting her dry will be tough, but I think I can do it. She is 160lbs+ at 5'6"
Good luck to her, in her front double bi make sure she puts her leg out and also with a front lat spread. What is the show?
Yes she actually has a heatlh issue that makes her retain more than a shitload of water. Getting her dry will be tough, but I think I can do it. She is 160lbs+ at 5'6"

Is this something u can share, or is it personal, i was just curious what kind of issue would make u hold onto a lot of water, sorry if its too personal of a question
Welcome! I hope you will hop over to the female forum, we could use another lady. Good luck at your show this weekend, what show is it? Kudos to you for training after all of that!
thank you i am truly grateful to nuknuk he is an amazing trainer and friend.Cant wait til this wkend and then prep for Nationals!