Finaplex-h and making ur own back in the day.

Who else loved the fina carts and kits making ur own gear back in the 90's. I did I was good to be honest my home brew was the best I have used to date. Made it at 75 mg a ml always got strong as hell and saw body change in a matter of days. Don't get me wrong there is some great tren-ace and some great tren- e now I love tren-e now esp ep pls but I miss the hell out of my finaplex-h carts. Who else use to make there own? Sound off brothers
I use to do it, the Animal kits were the best

he never would give up his secret formula
Lol was just gonna say. Back in the day?? Hmm I haven't skipped a beat. Component th and synovex still keeping me perfectly happy.
Yes sir. I got back into home brew and realized a lot has changed over the last 5 years. Implants are now expensive as hell.
yeah i never tried the synovex, looked like a pain in the ass, but made me some good ass tren back int he day from pellets lmao, worse part was the waiting around for the shit to dissolve lmao, for me anyhow