First Purchase Igf Experience & Question

I was planning 2 or 3 days a week of AAS. The IGF 5 days a week. I don't compete just doing it to stay lean, look good, and be healthy. I have 6-7 cycles over the years never IGF though. First one to start next week. Never had GYNO issues but always afraid or terrified I may so I always err on the caution side.

I want to be lean then do a pct then be off for a month or two & back on.

I do have 1 day a week I take my girlfriend away something special. eat really anything trying to get away from that(lol) but I try to do something special for her once a week..

I don't want to do anything year round due to cost, possible addiction, or overdoing it. Unless if proper gear is okay & I can handle cost...

I don't want to stay away from it too long where I regress & don't keep the benefits..

I am not looking to get huge just shredded, tight & I am fairly strong with size.
eq is a cutter and nice for your joints it will keep you lean and look good at the same time and no pains on the joints
Thanks Blinky! I am having a tough time running cardio wise. I used to run 10 miles like no big deal.. Now I struggle doing 3 miles but I do it slow. I am thinking that is either Tren or winny. I still like the Tren. LOL, but I am thinking of not using winny again.

Do you think I should substitute eq for winny in next cycle or add eq now to it? I think the only thing I hate about eq is it gets you very hungry...

Now can I once I use all my gear & do Pct, keep doing igf & should I stay off AAS 4 or 8 weeks...or 12.,.

With the gear I am doing now you think 9cc of gear a week instead of 6cc is best. Meaning shooting 3 days a week.

I know some do a lot more but if I am getting great gains why do too much...or is that stupid thinking?
winny will hurt joints,tren is the best all around but drys out joints,igf use it for sure at time of pct with hcg .....and igf during

- - - Updated - - -

add EQ and use winny on the end of your cycle or save it..igf will lean you out a lot,tren also,plus diet...
Awesome Blinky! Thanks!!! Awesome help!!! Thanks!!! Awesome! Appreciate the support hear!!

What about doing AAS three days a week or two days a week?

My glute gets sore & hard but goes away... But also I did a few cycles back every other day, it just was too much on glute.
yes mon,wed,fri or EOD is correct then a weekend break to chill with the BF...but the combo your doing will give you some cramping,sore joints etc.......I done the same cycle before....had to add EQ to it and I was fine......Deca in a pinch but don't care for it...
I do 5 days on 2 off after my workout but if I go after 8 pm I will do it in the morning but never latter then 2 ish.. morning is best bed time would be never.... your body's natural HGH release is between 11:30 to 2:30 A.M and sleeping...just for thought.