For those who have children...


Children older than babies and toddlers...

Do you find yourself pushing the whole "health" issues with your children, maybe more than a normal parent would? Or do you educate them and let them make their own decisions (in terms of food/exercize)?

And for those who don't have kids, were YOUR parents in general healthy or maybe even a bit more than thae?

I have no children. As far as my folks, they were and are extremely unhealthy people. As a kid I grew up fat and very unhealthy. That's why I think I'm so into my body now, I know how much life sucks when you look and feel like shit due to health and obesity.
My children are very active. My son plays Hockey (all year), Lacrosse, and Baseball. My daughter Figure Skates (all year) and Dance (ballet, jazz, tap). I allow them to have soda on rare occaisons. They eat what I eat and as much as they want. They have crazy metabloism's at this age (10 & 8). I ensure they're both getting enough Protein and don't worry about Carb's. Fat is another issue.
No children here, but I have a feeling in the future I'm going to be very health conscious regarding them. I also grew up unhealthy. Overweight, and eating far too many sugars and fats. However, most of my family is reformed now. lol. My mom and brother have lost a ton of weight and both are now dedicated more so than I am at times.

I have so much respect for my mom these days. Her will power is tremendous. She has lost around 170lbs in less than 2 years and now excercises 3-4 days a week. She did this all naturally from diet and excercise - no surgery or fat loss drugs! If I can learn something about dedication it should be from her. My brother has also lost about 60-70lbs in about 1 year so he's not doing too shabby either. Now if I can only get my dad on the band wagon too. lol.
I don't have any children either, but I would certainly try to keep them eating healthy and have them keep active if I did.
I have two boys 11 and 8 yrs old. One has a mega fast metabolism like his mother, the other has a slow metabolism like I had. I try to teach them what foods are good and I've introduced them to the kind of foods I eat like grilled chicken and rice which my older son loves. I did let them eat pretty much what they wanted in the past but in the last year or so I decided to try to get them to eat healthy. I let them eat crap on occasion though cos I like a McD's now and again myself lol :laugh:
If I had kids, I would go halfway with them. I don't want them to hate food but don't want them living on junk.

I have a fast metabolism, so I don't think my kids would ever have a weighr problem anyways.