gain muscle mass quick


New member
hi i need help in gaining muscle mass quick, because i want to join a sports team in my school. Um, lets see im 17 years old and weight about 120lbs and im 5'7". I think thats all the information you need. And im hoping to gain about 20-30 pounds within 3 months, is there a solution? thanks
20lbs is possible if you are new to lifting but 20 - 30lbs. in three months is a lofty goal. I think you can do it though if you are disciplined. What sport do you want to play? do you workout now? if so post your routine. The most anabolic thing you can put into your body right now at 17 years old is FOOD and lots of it. You need to eat EAT and eat... get yourself a basic exercise program and stick to the heavy barbell powerlifting movements and you will grow like a weed. Don't get suckered into trying any fancy supplements as it's a waste of money. Protein and glutamine and a good multivitamin are all you need right now. Good luck bro and keep us posted on your progress.
i wanna play basketball and maybe football, well here is my routine, eat breakfast at 7:30 am then eat lunch at about 10:30am then go home and eat a little snack like pb&j at around 4:30pm then dinner at 7pm then exercise at 8pm till 9pm then i take whey protein extreme (i didnt gain any weight at all but i my arm did get a lil bigger and it got toned)

i do 4 sets of 20 lifting a 15lb dumbell
then 3 sets of 20 pushups
then 4 sets of 40 sit ups (last two sets i add a 10lb)
then i do 3 sets or crouchs wit 10lb dumbbells in each hand
then i do 3 sets of 20 lifting a 15lb dumbell doing over the head tricep press

the things i eat are things from school, for breakfast i eat like eggs, bacon, hash browns and cereal

and for lunch i eat like, spagetti, pizza, chicken burger or nuggets and fries

for dinner i have to eat rice, with like spare ribs, or beef with vegetables

maybe this routine is bad, can anyone help me think of a better one that will suit my schedule? thanks everyone

oh yeah i workout at home i only have 2 10lb and 1 15lb dumbbell :crap:
Well hopefully you will stick around and do some reading. There's plenty of posts about diet and exercise here you can learn from. You're going to have to eat a lot more than you are to put on the size that you want. 3 meals a day won't cut it, i'd aim for 6 at least. Does your high school have a gym, maybe you could work out there? It's kind of hard to get a lot done w/ 3 db's of 10 & 15 lbs.
Little bro, you're going to need to work out with weights and eat a lot more food to gain even 5 or 10lbs within 2-3 months. No disrespect to you, but honestly you don't have a clue about what's required to gain weight. Which is fine, because at your age I didn't have a clue either. Take some time and Read, read, read.

Basically you need to eat a ton of food, and train with great inten-sity to gain that much weight. Most of all though it takes time.
all of you are right :/ maybe i should wait till i hit college? because i will have plenty of time and there will be a gym avaible... well i guess ill start reading thanks for the tips guys now its my move
You can still work on it now, but like they said you won't gain weight right away, but if you continue to work for the muscle gain you will have gained some before college.

Good Luck!!!
is there any chance you can or get your parents to buy you a set of weights or a local gym membership? even a YMCA? anything would be better than nothing. A few things I used to do when I was broke and needed a workout:

I'd go to the playground in the neighborhood early in the morning and I would do pull ups on the monkey bars, I would also climp up on the jungle gym and do dips.
You can also do dips by putting together 2 chairs in your kitchen or dining room granted they need to be strong chairs that won't tip over but you should be able to find some that will support your weight in your house.

You can also do things like one legged squats and lunges with your dumbells. You'll be doing lots of reps but it'll help you build a great foundation.

Good luck and keep askiing questions!
you should also start doing as many pushups as you can and work your way up to doing them with your feet up on a chair or on your bed...
mikeswift said:
you should also start doing as many pushups as you can QUOTE]

Start with like 200 a day and move up. You'll need to work in sets at first (8 sets of 25), but eventaully you'll be firing of like 3 sets of 75. As others have said, this will build a foundation you can use for years. Good luck dude!
kdog said:
mikeswift said:
you should also start doing as many pushups as you can QUOTE]

Start with like 200 a day and move up. You'll need to work in sets at first (8 sets of 25), but eventaully you'll be firing of like 3 sets of 75. As others have said, this will build a foundation you can use for years. Good luck dude!

omg are you serious my arms will feel like nothing after im done i can barely do 100 i dont think i can do 200 a day ahah mang wow and mikeswift thanks for the suggestions i will try them out so is it better to workout in the mornings or at night?
lunatik said:
kdog said:
omg are you serious my arms will feel like nothing after im done i can barely do 100 i dont think i can do 200 a day ahah mang wow and mikeswift thanks for the suggestions i will try them out so is it better to workout in the mornings or at night?

hey there bud, 200 may seem like alot but if you cant do them all at once spread them out during the day. Try doing 100 (4 sets of 25) in the morning before you go to school and when you get home from school do another 100 (4 sets of 25). Rest about 1-2 minutes between each set of 25. If thats too hard then split it into 3 different times during the day. In my opinion working out later in the day is better, but remember thats for my body. I feel stronger and have more energy later in that since ive gotten in 4 or 5 meals in before my workout so im carb loaded. Go into the thread titled Muscle Chemistry Discussion and look at Big A's post on the Growth principles for beginners. Then go into the Healthy Recipes Forum and look at some post in there and you will find some great foods and ideas for meals. Good Luck bro, stick with it and you WILL be happy. Ive been working out since i was 17 (150lbs) and now im 21 and weigh 225. You'll get there, but remember it takes times and dedication. Keep on working. :thumbsup:
Amen to those who contributed to this thread, those are words of wise and expert people who know about weight training and Nutrition aspect of it...I would definitely take it serious about it, change ones body composition takes time and results in the near future is evident...Just do what you with what you have, but push yourself, eat right, rest plenty, water, multi-vitamins, proteins...Those are you basic required...Hangin in there will come only if you want it to,....Good luck
Lunatik, 200 is a lot...just ajust sets and reps accordingly...maybe even do 3-4 sets to failure a few times a day. Morning or night is really based on you. If I could I would prefer morning, b/c it wakes me up, I'm refreshed, and I feel better the rest of the day. But everyone has a different schedule, so whatever works best for you is what you should do. Good luck!!!!!
Yeah, I know you read magazines that tell you to do a lot of sets and shit but I would do really heavy 2 sets max and fail at 6 reps. one week. The next week I would do 3-4 sets 8-12 reps to get a good pump. Then repeat the process. You already know you have to take in more protein. Try having a shake with every meal. That should help out a lot.
Glen Whitestone said:
Yeah, I know you read magazines that tell you to do a lot of sets and shit but I would do really heavy 2 sets max and fail at 6 reps. one week. The next week I would do 3-4 sets 8-12 reps to get a good pump. Then repeat the process. You already know you have to take in more protein. Try having a shake with every meal. That should help out a lot.

great advice as well but keep in mind the heaviest weight he has access to at the moment is a 15lb dumbell...
I have a question off topic... am I right that protein shakes have improved immensely? When my father was into it he said those shakes add fat. I told him the new ones are much better, because I heard some don't have fat at all. I've never had the need for protein shakes so I never did my research.

Thank you!!!
The protein shakes are usually a lactose base. They can have fat, glucose and other products that can lead to some fat gain. This is not all true. Never products on the market can be relatively "lean". You can't judge fat gain off of fat content in the shake either, as well as carb content. Many of them are added for specific reason suck as fast absorbing carbs to feed depleted glycogen levels in the muscle. The answer I think you are looking for is to be selective. You should look up or start a thread on shakes. You can find many products for different suited purposes-such as whey-this is great for pre-post workout. It digests rapidly to spike the bodies own insulin levels after a workout-translation leads to greater muscle gain, fat burn off. They are also good first thing in the am to take the body out of a catabolic state. Before bed I would aim for a casesin shake that would burn off slowly to provide your body with fuel while you sleep so your body will not seek nutrients off of your muscles.
hey guys im back i have been doing what you guys told me to do increase my reps and sets but there is one problem i feel like im not eatting enough because of my scedule so i was wondering is there anything i can take? or like any bars of something i shold eat as a meal replacement. and will this help in my muscle growth i really want to gain at least enough mass to look like i can full up a medium shirt :P high goals huh lol
Bro don't expect results overnite, eat as often as possible, meal that's clean and has high caloric values,....this can be meat loaded sandwiches, Potatos, Yams, beans, Fish, chicke, beef, pastas, you will need the energy also, if you can pack lunches with you great, try sandwiches, meatball sandwich, turkey, tuna sandwiches, snack them, Milk definitely 1-2% will increase caloric values, creative with food sometimes, mix it up, will get the idea in the long run...also include healthy fats like flaxseed, fish oil, hemp, olive oil, but doesn't mean chuggin the oil (lol) gain mass, try using heavier weights that you feel comfortable with and can do about 6-8 reps and about 2-3 exercises for a max of 6-7 sets....but i recommend to start slow and get used to your body language and go on from there...any other inputs can be added by the rest of the gang.... Good luck bro... :thumbsup: