Good Tuesday Morning to all!

it would be a good morning if i could find my fucking keys...i am begining to think that i have a hord of gnomes that live in my closet and steal all my shit when i go to bed at night..
morning fuckers took a biochem test that i didnt know i was having and there wasnt anything funny about that. hows everybody doin?
bad morning, i found out that owe my bank 300 bucks for overdrawn acticities....fuckin sucks ass. already 1400 in the hole now i gotta add this to the money out when i get home from fucked
mikeswift said:
sorry bro, that's rough. I've been there I know what you mean

thanks bud, i know it doesnt seem like much, but being a college guy that just bought a house....its huge :nope: Im going home with a $1700 debt before i make anything AND i gotta pay my mortgage(cant spell it lol) over the summer. I have a great job where i make a good amount of money, prolly 10G's over the summer. It'll all work out though.