Thinking about putting this at the end of my next cycle. Dbol 20mg for 5 week, sust 500 for 14 week, deca 300 for 12 weeks. Say then ad GW in at week 12. Also on TRT so no need for PCT.
Thinking about putting this at the end of my next cycle. Dbol 20mg for 5 week, sust 500 for 14 week, deca 300 for 12 weeks. Say then ad GW in at week 12. Also on TRT so no need for PCT.

let me know when you'll be using the GW as SarmSciences will be carrying Cardarine in the near future and sending out a dozen or so free bottles for review.
Bump For GW-50 Cardarine from Labeled GW-Aqua

I've searched TSO's site under GW501516; Cardarine; GW 501516; GW-Aqua; GW. Every time, the results are, "There is no product that matches the search criteria."