has anyone had doc prescribe HGH?


New member
Has anyone had doctor prescribe HGH? I was wondering what to say to convince them that I need it. Better yet, does anyone know of a cool doc in Dallas? :D And BTW I am 35.
That reminds me. My real question is: has anyone succesfully talked their insurance company into paying for the HGH? (with the help of a doctor) :D
If it's real expensive, insurance won't want to pay.
Probably have to be 4"2' at the age of 16 or something.
On the other hand, an actual, old fashioned, private doctor (do they have those any more?) might prescribe it if you just ask him real nice.

I'm interested in this question, and also, how do you find a doctor that doesn't use insurance (I'm pretty sure rich people have them)? or is that just totally out of my league.
I got some from a doc he loved to prescribe it. He was very $$$. I know some guys went to him and ins paid for it all. I had gotten test, deca, nolv, arim, and anadrol from him. INS paid for tabs bu tnot inj. Had to do alot of $$$ test though.