Hgh I.v.????

Interesting, although to inject in a vein scares me half to death. If I absolutely had to, I would do it, but I'd make sure someone with medical experience showed me exactly how to do it.
hmmm, without getting myself into more trouble with Presser, I will add that I used an alchohol swab on the injection spot til it ran dry. I really don't want any infection in my blood stream.
some of the guys that posted in here 5 years ago really did not know what they were talking about.

firstly, bacteriostatic water is completely safe to inject IV; in fact in my anesthesiology unit, we utilize benzyl alcohol to diminish the pain of IV injections of propofol, so what does that tell you?...

also, please guys, NEVER IV IGF. Acetic acid in the vein would be incredibly fucking dangerous, not to mention potentially lethal.

There was one guy who said it would spike and then drop off fast. YES! That is the point! The body's natural production of HGH is not gradual with ordered kinetics. It produces HGH in spiked pulses which drop off quickly....
While IV is a method that is definitely not for everyone, and I wouldn't suggest that everyone try it, if you can get a nurse or doctor to show you how, it's actually really quite safe and easy.
You can inject Acetic Acid I.V. Its vinegar and that's how they convert crack to a liquid state and then inject. No harm in small doses unless it is really old. White distilled. As for I.V, its all about PH. You also cant inject soemthing viscous for obvious reasons. Clot, Clot.
Medically speaking, I have not heard that anything other than bacteriostatic water reconstituted peptides (or specific medications) can be injected IV. Strange post.