Hidetada's injury...


New member
A brief interview with MMI...

Hidetada finished pre-judging with an injury to his leg, forcing him to pull out of the competition. He chalks it all up to being too aggressive with his training, and is extremely disappointed.

MuscleMag asked Hidetada a few questions about the weekend.

MMI: How long do you expect to be out of the gym?
HY:I will have an MRI this Friday. Unfortunately, I have no idea how long it takes to heal now.

MMI: How do you handle an injury like this mentally and physically? Will it be hard to go back to training your legs as intensely as you are used to?
HY:I have had many minor (and some major) injuries in my career. It won't be a problem to get over this one. It's part of my job.

MMI: Muscular Development mentioned that you injured the leg at a MuscleMag photo shoot in New York. I was there, and you didn't seem to in any discomfort. Can you set the record straight for the fans how it really happened?

HY: Yes. Check out my blog people!
You can read about the injury, as he gives props to his fellow competitors, including Tampa winner Ben White, 1st runner-up Troy Alves and MMI brother Johnnie Jackson, at his blog here.
We wish Hidetada a speedy recovery.