how big are your arms?

I dont do the hot or cold shit just wake up measure its 22inches.
I will admit mine are mostly because of my tri's though. they are overdeveloped, since i almost bench 3x's my weight max.
Dont believe me come to my gym or ask a few bros that do.
But like proud said its quality so i can be a total fat ass holding about 15 gallons of water with 23 inch arms does that count or the totally ripped 24 year old who is vascular and only 16 inches..
Great point bro.
245 ibs
age: 25

19 5/8" cold, never measured them after a workout.

age 35

21 3/4
not to bad for an old bro......but again I also have bigger tri's there's three heads man.........gotta be bigger...
yup i agree my tri's are pretty defined and large, makes up most of my arms when i
three heads are better than little muscle joke for ya
20.5 as of last night. I actually measured at 21, but I was using a tape measure so I took a half inch off for any error. I'm not holding much water these days if any at all.

16 5/8" bi's I cant get them to grow, but I have veins poppin out every where. I swear if I had 19 or 20's they would look freaky.

How can I pack on the mass? Please someone give me a good exercise!!

Thank ya much!
seated incline dumbell curls have been wonders to my bicep's progress........and developing tri's will add more to arm size then any bicep excersize........there's more to work with there. Tri's will prolly contribute to biggest overall size gains in arms.