How can I get my testicles bigger?

Fan- fucking- bloody- tastic- post, however I should have been more specific in my subtle insult (it wasn't aimed at you). I noticed (in this post and the other titled "PCT suggestions") that some people suggest schedules (times & administration) that "studies" and "pros" ALWAYS reccomend against. But as you pointed out, it's not set in stone and to each his own.
make her suck on your balls and then piss in her mouth won't make your balls any bigger but it'll make you feel better about yourself :wave:
Ditto on that. Seriously though, I have heard from a number of people that using HCG and IGF together work wonders.
I firmly believe HCG should be used from the first inject throughout the last. Do not use in after your last inject or during PCT. It mimics LH and FSH levels but does not replace them. The reason you use HCG during a cycle is to prevent complete shutdown of the testes. Hence not using it for PCT because it mimics LH and FSH. If your testicles are shurken while on cycle this is because of their reaction to the AAS. Some guys don't have any shrinkaeg while on cycle, and some have it really bad. You should use 500 iu two times per week during cycle on say a Monday and a Thursday which will yeild 1000 iu of HCG per week. This while prevent shutdown and make your PCT much better and also make you recover ALOT better when start PCT and afterwards.
When i first started.. i had to hide from my family and my girl at the time... one preventive thing i did to ensure no 'noticeable sides' below ad i can say honestly worked great... was 50mg Clomid EOD entire cycle then clomid post cycle as normal...

my nuts never brough up suspicion to people at the time... then i finally met a woman (hi sasha.. lol), that knew what i was up to.. and didn't care. ;) so...
Def agreeing with lil w000dy on this one. Couldnt have put it better myself. Also I see some many on here running less than adequate PCT's. Get your bloodwork done to ensure your functioning normaly again.
*N.V.S* said:
Have your GF stomp on them for 15 min. That should cause some swelling. LOL

OUCH! ... that just sounds downright painful... but it'd probably be a sure quick fix ... lol :eek:
mcgaret said:
Two options - #1 - implants, #2 - 45lb. weights tied to your balls w/fishing wire.
Walk around the house like this and also do sets of 50 jumping jacks w/weight
hanging. There is also a 3rd option but it requires your girl friend to tee - off
and kick you square in the balls again and again while you yell "Armagedon!!" The swelling should get you a huge pair.
Just my humble opinion - let us know how it works.

Guess I'm gonna look into implants... when I tie the weights around my balls with the fishing wire, it's ok to walk around the house - but damn fishing wire is cutting into my balls when I do the jumping jacks bro...
Use duct tape - then you can work up to the fishing wire when you balls get to be
manly. They will be hairless though from removing the duct tape. (uhhhh - I know all this cus someone told me - yeah, thats it)