Hulk Hogan


New member
I wonder how strong he was in his prime. He still looks good for his age, even though it looks like he can barely move.
I've read stories that he was pretty fucking strong, but it's hard to know for sure unless you find videos or something. But then again, if you only watched videos of Ronnie training, you'd think he was strong as hell, but if you think about it, pound for pound, he's not really that strong. I mean squatting 800 isn't too impressive when you're 300+. 200# guys squat 500+ all the time and it's close to the same thing pound for pound
Speaking of Hogan, this is Totally inappropriate and if any mod at ANY time wants to take this down because its offensive please do. I dont know who made it but they were very good at what they did. I got an email saying What Really Happened on 9/11.. I dont know how long its been going around, but since my buddy knew i was a big rasslin fan back in the day he sent it. It came with a quote that said

"Hulk Hogan found out he wasnt getting his title shot against Ric Flair and took it out on WTC"


If anyone was affected by that day and is offended, PM me asap and ill delete post if you can not get to a mod!
No offense here, I think enough time has passed that it might not be taken offensively, but then again, you never know
just something about the "big boot" that fits so perfectly in the pic. its the only one out of the 6 that made me chuckle