I ain't gonna lie...

Skip said:
I still train legs with runner's tights on under my sweats. Yup, I said it. I am man enough to admit it. I am stuck in the 80s. Gary Strydom has nothing on me (except alot of size and alot of hair).

I have used the same pair for over 10 years and I don't know how they have held up so well. I simply cannot train legs without them as I am too used to the feeling that I get from the tights "holding everything together", so to speak.

Once during precontest last year I tried training legs in just shorts so that I could see the separation and veins in my legs while training. I was lost. lol Seriously, I felt like I didn't belong.

Am I the only one?


By the way, gary had the size, but his hair is a toupee!!! :eek: