I am always amused

strider said:
so what the diet going to be like and training routine.

My diet is simple...eat anything I can. I'm a hardgainer so I need to. I don't eat junk food at all...no fast food or fatty stuff, mostly steak, chicken, rice, pasta, things like that. 6 meals a day along with 2 shakes, 2 protein bars. My training is always changing so it's hard to say. Probably a 4 day/week split with hardly any cardio. I just want to gain. I'm 5'9" about 195...worked my way up from 130 lbs. in the last 8 years. Probably about 12 - 15% BF. Just want to see how a couple of cycles will help out my gains.

As for the D-Bol...was going to use 25mg /day for 6 weeks and either Deca or Sust. for 12 weeks. Or both...i'll see what I can get.