IGF-1 and slin

I am starting four weeks of slin today. I'm too much of a chicken so I'm doing 2 iu to start with since I don't know how my body will react. I'm also using IGF. I'm going to work my way up to 6 iu and then go from there. I'm assuming you can inject slin IM if you want to, is that right? Directions say subQ, but I hate doing that. Since IGF can go either way, I would assume slin would be able to as well.
Is slin considered illegal to purchase without a script? or can you buy it like IGF?
you can buy humulinr and a few others without a script. the only thing you need a script for is humalog the shortest acting. that how it is in mass anyways. they can also refuse you at the drugstore. they dont have to sell it to you. i just have a buddy of mine thats rather heavy set do it.
its easier to do it sub q. you can prolly go im but its much easier to pinch the skin on your quad and go right under the pinch. i dont know if it would release at the same time if you went im. i know it takes longer to ack if its in fat
A report on the first time: No problem with being hypo, actually I felt pretty good. All I can say is holy sh--!, I got so pumped up that day it was incredible. I don't think I have ever been that big before. IGF alone never pumped me that big. Doing 4 iu today.
Did 4 iu again today, and oddly enough, I feel pretty good--actually very good--after taking it, which kind of makes me a little nervous seeing as how my Mom was recently diagnosed as a type 2. Muscles are definitely visibly pumped. If the full effect of this hits after a week or two, I may actually gain a lot (I hope).

I did some research on IM vs. subQ shots with slin, and it seems slin is absorbed faster IM than it is subQ. Since thin diabetics don't have much fat under their skin, they are told to do IM shots though that is not the recommended norm. I'm in that category of thin skin so I've been going IM, and there hasn't been a problem.
An update:
I've made my way up to 16 iu yesterday. No problems with getting hypo at all. I feel great, and I'm starting to put on some size and weight again. Considering my thinner bone structure, I'm starting to look big to myself. I'm going to start to split it up similar to what Tomsizemore has done. It has only been a week and a half so I'm hoping I'll have some really good results at the end of four weeks.
You'll love it bro! Once you go with slin in a bulker, you'll never leave it out in the future. 4 week intervals work really well especially if your running 12 week cycles, because you get to run 2 slin cycles through the AAS cycle. The 2nd cycle gives incredible results.

I'm experimenting with using Slin as a cutting agent and timing my cardio. Seems to be working really well.
If it is anything like what I've experienced already, then I can't wait.