IGF-1 Lr3 Newbie!!

Arms yesterday. Pinned tris.
Back and traps today.
Post workout shake juicy juice with whey isolate.
Pinned delts followed by meal of beef, rice and red beans.
Oh yeah gonna have that just worked out look all day!

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Back and Traps today.
Postworkout shake of Gatorade and Whey isolate.
Pinned delts 40 mcgs each side postworkout.
Meal of Cube steak, pasta, and broccoli 30 mins later.

I'm almost done with my current cycle.
I intend to continue running Igf-1 Lr3 ED for the next 2 months.

My dosing has been 40 mcgs bilaterally ED.
On leg days I would pin calves.
Back and trap day I pin delts.
Chest and shoulder day I pin delts also.
Arm day I pin triceps.
And off days I pin calves.
I always make sure to ingest some simple carbs and whey isolate either right before or immediately after I pin Igf-1 Lr3.
Then follow that a whole food meal within 30-60 mins.
Its just part of my daily routine now.
