I'm a newbie and I need some help


New member
I am currently in wrestling season right now, I also play football, I'm in college, I'm 5'11", 200lbs, anyway, I was wondering if anybody on here can help me, I'm looking to take 1-AD once wrestling ends, I was wondering if anybody knows any sites where I can purchase this????, I have been searching for a couple weeks now??????
All the prohormones are illegal now. Look around the net but some of the big name supplement companies still sell prohormones that are supposedly legal, but who really knows...There are most likely banned drugs at a college level not sure if they test you or not though.

Have you given good ol' protein and creatine a spin? lol.
If you are tested at college for steroids you may test positive after pro-hormone use for awhile. The problem is the pro-hormone excuse doesn't help anymore since they are legal you will get into just as much trouble as you would if you were on taking steroids. Just something to think on.
I use creatine and protein, but I want to take my lifting to the next level, and they do not test u in d3 colleges, I want to boost myself as much as possible, I am looking for alternatives, b4 I resort to using gear
not much going on for me bud and good to see you here too.stick around great board with great people..even better with me being back cuz i fucking rule...woooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd
ill tell you right now. that 1ad was unbeleivable. i got better results with that than with dbol. right before they took all pros off the market i bought a case of 1ad
1ad was ok....although I don't know about it giving better results than d-bol. lol. If it was me I would just get the real thing.
i'll see your 1ad and raise you my 200mgs ED of test susp..and then we can hvea a dance off
yeah don't waste your time with the "prohormones" especially since they are illegal now anyway. What are your goals? I imagine strength is what you're looking for. Have you read up on IGF-1? check out the forum here that's devoted to it. It may be just the thing for you since technically it is legal.

I put my money on IP in a dance off anyday that fella got moves!
What college is going to let you wrestle AND play football. The answer is NONE. Are you in high school? If so don't even think about 1 AD. Stick with the mighty anabolic of FOOD several times a day for GREAT GAINS.
ifr your not going to do gear and you have exhausted the options of creatine ,diet and a proper routine, then i would have to say get urself some IGF-1 not becuase we sell it but because its the only option you have left to obtain the goals your looking for especialy if gear isnt and option and prohormones are illegal, and you tryed creatine and a proper diet etc....

also stay away from prohormones they are4 junk bro as was stated above with alot of bad if not even worse side effects, its a joke and most of them had no place in our sport anyhow

also i would give creatine another try if i were you becuase it is truely a great thing if you get ur hands on a good manufacturer like www.synthetek.com try their synthecreatine or something to that effect and beings ur a rastler i would grab some of their glutamine as well, i personaly stand by all of www.synthetek.com products as do many of their pro level indorsers, and trust me they arent endorsing the company nor am i for the huge pay chacks they get, they do so becuase the company products are 2nd to none in quality, so you might want to try them if you opt to use their creatine, and i also would have to say if you havent tryed igf then you should i think its just what you might be looking for and if you dont buy it here then be sure to realy check out the reputation of the comonay you do buy it from,
a lot of ppl do both....i dont think they test in d3 unless you make the playoffs..or has that changed...i thought for sure d3 football tested once the playoffs came..randomly...i know those big ass schools that always make the playoffs, mount union, some jersey school, wartburg, some minn school...a lot of 2 way athletes there..