introduction thread


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Gold Member
we dont have an intro forum here so im makin this thread hopin all the registered people will come out and introduce themselves tell a little about your training or aas usage so we can all get to know each other and share each other secrets and knowledge thanks.
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We have tried this before and it works for about a month, then it dies a violent death. People aren't that favroable to it if it's required. Some member choose to remain in the woodwork and we can't force them to be something they are not. It's their personal choice.
BTW, I need to change your avatars as well. Site reps should all have the MC logo as their avatar. I will get on that today.
It's up to the reps to provide the example, so if you want others to introduce themselves, we'll need to introduce ourselves as well.
tonykemp said:
It's up to the reps to provide the example, so if you want others to introduce themselves, we'll need to introduce ourselves as well.

my name is dreww, I like long walks on the beach, sensual massages and kittens. :D
name is gbart ive been workin out for about 4 years now. Im currently on my second cycle as you can read in the cycle logs. My goals are not to compete just to get my body fat to about 11 or 12 percent at about 245 or 250 long term im 5'10 at 230 now about 15%.
name is normalsucks, and Im an addict.

ive been workin out for about 22 years now. Im currently on my fourth cycle as an adult, you can read in the cycle logs. My goals are not to compete just to get my body fat to about 10 or 11 percent at about 260 or 270 long term. im 6'1" at 240 now about 15%.
I am the Masked Moron, if you were ever at fort benning for any length of time you may have heard of some of my exploits =). I have been working out on and off when i can for a few years now, about the last year and a half i have started to take it seriously and have been studying up and asking a million questions as some of the guys here have had to endure, sorry about that by the way lol. Anyway i tried a cycle of Dbol a couple years ago by itself, i didnt know better lol, and i got pretty damn big. But im educating myself to get it right next time and get better results. Im 6'2 and 280, not terribly fat or anything, and in the neighborhood or 18-19%, according to a formula i found on here on how to figure it. I would like to get that down to about 10 or 12 and be strong enough to flip a train. Not too sure about the train part but a guy can dream cant he?
Around May 01' I was 19 years old and I weighed 210 with an insane ammount of body fat. I needed to get down to 180ish to join the Air Force. Got on the net, earned the basics from, and reached 160 before I left for basic in Jan. 02'. I left basic training at 140 around 15%. I've lifted hard since then with some set backs (4 deployments, broken wrist, pnemonia, marriage, divorce). I've only tried IGF and Clen, but want to try some AAS when I get out. My long term goal isn't to compete (it would be nice though), but to reach roughly 190's or even 200 with a single digit body fat. Such a long way away, but I'm pushin.
Hey all, VertigoRocks here my babies and im in my early 20's and have been lifing seriously for about 4 years now. I started off at 150lbs and have worked my all the up to 234 at about 18% BF but am now down to about 207 11-12%. I am currently training to compete and WIN a powerlifting comp at the college i attend. Current lifts are:


Id love to get those up soon but i have until march to improve myself. Other than that i love just being big and strong and I never want to lead my life any other way than in this lifestyle.
5'9" 190lbs about 12% bf
Been training on and off for about 12 years now. Started at age 14 and weighed 130lbs. I have no plans to compete ever, just doing this to keep in shape and add size and strength gradually. I know my stuff when it comes to diet and exercise, but am really a newbie when it comes to AAS. I consider myself all natural, however I did attempt a "failed" cycle last year around this time. I was only on Test E (250mg/wk) for 3 weeks and didn't gain a lb. Long story short, I plan to stay natural and my goal is to get to 220lbs 8%.

Bench 315
Squat 335
Dead 305

Chest has and will always be my biggest and strongest bodypart.
I've been training off and on since I was 14 as well, though only seriously for about the last 12 years. I never was able to really gain when I was young so when I started getting really serious about it, I was still only 130 lbs. I started gaining a bit when my metabolism slowed down with age I suppose. I don't really have any plans to compete, I just want to look great. I found out 7 years ago that I had low test levels so I was put on hormone replacement--that was when I really started to gain. Because of the HRT, I educated myself as much as possible about AAS since I was going to be on it for the rest of my life. I know the cycle I want to do, only I'm too chicken to actually try to order the stuff--even though I know I could get some of it legally. My goal is pretty much the same as PJT's--220 lbs at 8% bf (only I'm 6' tall).