Is andarine worth the risk?

Super cooper

New member
I just ordered some andarine and after reading a thread on here stating that it causes organ problems and permantly changes my DNA, I am not to sure I made to right choice to lose my stomach weight. Any help and answers would be appreciated.
That's not true. You'll do more harm having a couple drinks a week. I'm going to start stacking the S4 with the LGD with my other AAS and my BP is 122/79 and I'm in very good health. The worst thing you could do is NOT get into shape.
That's not true. You'll do more harm having a couple drinks a week. I'm going to start stacking the S4 with the LGD with my other AAS and my BP is 122/79 and I'm in very good health. The worst thing you could do is NOT get into shape.

words to live by