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By Alexandra Ossola - Posted 5 hours ago

Aging isn't easy
On June 24, researchers will meet with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for a very specific reason: they want to test a drug that might slow the aging process. If they succeed, they will show for the first time that aging is in fact a condition that can be treated with medicine, which could boost progress—and funding—for anti-aging research. And based on some comments made by officials late last month, the FDA seems inclined to say yes, according to Nature News.

When it comes to health and pharmaceutical research, the goal is often to treat a specific disease or condition. But often, if a patient is elderly, the body is unable to regenerate enough to cure itself completely. Patients are treated for one life-threatening disease only to contract another and die from it shortly thereafter.
Aging researchers don’t claim to seek immortality; rather, they want to keep more people healthier for longer. Drugs that have been developed over the past decade have been ineffective and sold with false promises. But the researchers behind the proposed experiment, called Targeting Aging with Metformin (TAME), say they’re in a better position now thanks to animal studies that have hinted at particular physiological pathways that can lead to greater longevity.
The drug the researchers would test in the trial, metformin, is already used to treat type 2 diabetes by suppressing glucose production in the liver and makes the body more sensitive to insulin. But data collected over the 60 years it has been used suggests it could have other effects as well, delaying the onset of heart disease, cancer, and cognitive decline.
The trial would enroll 3,000 participants aged 70-80 who have one or two of the above conditions. Over 5-7 years, the researchers will monitor the patients to see if the drug slows the progression of the disease. The $50 million the researchers will need for the trial has not yet been secured, but others in the field say their science is sound. By engaging the FDA, the researchers hope to make it easier to find the funding so that they can begin the trial in the next few years.
I wouldn't call aging a disease. More like the cycle of life. But I am all for extending the cycle of Life (quality life) as far out as possible.
There are these parts of DNA called tellimeres. They continue to get shorter as we age and after so many years of replicating cells, they become too short to replicate anymore. And the body dies. Right now there is no known way to stop these tellimeres from getting shorter. If they do ever find a way to stop them, human life span could reach into the hundreds of years. But you would still have to be lucky enough to avoid heart disease, cancer, etc.
Right now, the 2 big areas of research into life extension are caloric restriction and preventing oxidative damage to the body's tissues.
There are these parts of DNA called tellimeres. They continue to get shorter as we age and after so many years of replicating cells, they become too short to replicate anymore. And the body dies. Right now there is no known way to stop these tellimeres from getting shorter. If they do ever find a way to stop them, human life span could reach into the hundreds of years. But you would still have to be lucky enough to avoid heart disease, cancer, etc.

I seen a big special on tellimeres, the shoe string like things is how they explained them and fraying at ends, and man oh man, watch out when they figure these things out, can you say over population lol,
I seen a big special on tellimeres, the shoe string like things is how they explained them and fraying at ends, and man oh man, watch out when they figure these things out, can you say over population lol,

Actually the molecular biologists are getting close to figuring this out.
someone will figure it out, patent it and sit on it or just sell it to the fucking rich and famous
I believe if one wants to get technical I once read that the Department of Health calls aging a disease. However, I feel age is only a number. I see a lot of people and many young people who are such in bad shape that it seems pathetic. It is one thing to be born with a condition, but not taking care of one's self is a cardinal sin! I see many older people with bad health too, but some that look good and do good for their age. One of my view is that medication should be a last resort. I pitty those people who sit around eating Bon-bons, processed foods, and lots of refined sugar with a sedentary lifestyle and a list of meds as long as a weekly grocery receipt. If aging is really a disease self-neglect should be one too.