Is there anything for sperm volume?


New member
I heard celery works. I've started eating a whole stalk per day. But its still not like i can fill up a swimming pool.

anyone have any ideas?
Getting into Porn?? I don't know of anything that increases semen volume. The interesting question would be why!
clomid, clomid, clomid, heard that HCG works well too-never tried it

there is a supplement called Maxi Load that I have tried in the past and it worked well
Thanks for the responses guys. Lets just say i need to perform.

My personal problem with clomid is it is one of the few drugs that really alter my mood. I start growing a vagina when im on it.

I cant believe i forgot about hcg....

Thank you!
I've never heard of HMG, but I've heard HCG. Either way, just going off what I've heard, but if someone here knows for sure, listen to them because I'm only passing info on
I personally use 500 mcg HCG 2 x a week , and would say on some days, you can almost double semen volume. Not every time, but most times.
I stay away from clomid, we don't agree either. Don't they make a supplement called Paravol?
I've never heard of HMG, but I've heard HCG. Either way, just going off what I've heard, but if someone here knows for sure, listen to them because I'm only passing info on

Yeah it's brand name is PERGONAL in USA . And hmg stands for human menopausal Gonatropin . Its for low sperm count and deals with increasing LH and producing more swimmers outa the weapon. There's debates on useage in pct of the iron world .
you looking for higher sperm count or semen volume? You want to shoot buckets or get someone pregnant?
I guess that's a good question that probably should've been brought up earlier...Bump it up though