Is this you?

Well laa dee daa..... I finally found out that my wife and mother-in-law were RIGHT!!! I am fucked up in the head for wanting to make my body look better....what the hell was I thinking. Steroids will kill you, or make you so damned crazy that you'll want to kill someone else!! I guess I have everyone else fooled - well except for them of course.

sorry folks for the meaningless dribble.......I catch too much shit at home for being "too big" - anyone that knows me can attest to the fact that I'm not really big at all
Saks said:
Someone here at work sent me this link. What do you guys think they are trying to tell me?

You know what, man? Fuck whomever sent that shit to you. Sorry about the language guys and girls, but I'm fucking sick to death of people telling us how we should or should not look. I swear if I hear one more time from a fat, stinking, greasy, stretch mark laden, chronic back pain having lard ass that bodybuilders look gross, I'm just going to lose it.

I get told that I'm too big, that it looks gross....WTF????????

I'm sure the person who tells me these things hasn't known for a LONG TIME what it feels like to turn the head of the opposite sex strictly because of the way you look......I DO

This is really going nowhere, I really just wish the fat percent of the population would stop hating, put down the quart of ice cream and get their ass on a treadmill or something....they just may like it
It says you could end up doing dangerous steroids? Glad I only take nice safe ones. If they don't like my HRT therapy then go argue with my doctor. I think a lot of it is from jealous people who would love to see the playing field leveled so they can continue to be lazy and out of shape and not have anyone notice.
I still need to add about 25lbs.
Badgermoon said:
It says you could end up doing dangerous steroids? Glad I only take nice safe ones. If they don't like my HRT therapy then go argue with my doctor. I think a lot of it is from jealous people who would love to see the playing field leveled so they can continue to be lazy and out of shape and not have anyone notice.
I still need to add about 25lbs.
LMAOF, badger!