It's a girl! - Body2See's baby


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the baby came in the middle of the night, they had a bouncing baby girl. She weighed in at 7 1/2 lbs and is 21" long. Mom had to have an emergency C-section but is recovering. B2S said he'd get some pics to me over the weekend to post for you guys. All in all sounds like everyone is tired but doing really well and very excited.
hell yeah that is great news congrats b2s glad your girl and the baby are doing well. God bless you and your new family.
Is it to gay to want to send them a gift...I know we didn't have near the things we needed when our first got here. I'm going to put some money on a Wal-Mart card for them, cause that's the best gift in the world. Mike, shoot me a PM and let me know where to send it.
congrats bro spoil the baby girl every chance that you get :kiss:
I like the name that you picked for her too
post the pics when you have a chance
and once again congratulations
I didn't post the pics I have for you bro because I wasn't sure if you wanted the ones with your ugly mug in them to be posted here or not! lol