just got my cable modem.....


New member
and man it is great.....:) :) I work all day on DSL and it would suck to go home to dial up but now...bam...there I am... :D :D

Just had to share .... he even hooked up my tv in there for me ...I was like sweeeet.....thanks
i know ur loving it ay,lol, does this mean we will see ten times as many posts?
I couldn't imagine dial up again....like on my friends cell phones that get online...so.....slow......must......have.......high speed
BioChem55 said:
it really is awsome man, i got mine a month ago, and its been wack off heaven since then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

freak! :D It is the bomb though. Just make sure to shut your computer off at night when you're not using it. I can't tell you how many viruses we've gotten on ours from leaving it on all the time. Even with Norton!
speaking of which I need to contact my cable company again to have someone re-install mine. It sucks not having internet access at home.