keynoselene....anyone ever tried this

tonykemp said:
How long before you start seeing results from it?

Some people claim almost a 'rush' as soon as they take it. I think that's probably placebo.
Gbart said:
and sorry to bignick for kinda highjacking his thread figured you would benifit from the questions too but sorry if i stepped on your toes at all.

no dont worry about it didnt hijack it at all man...thats what this is all about bro...sharing if you would have started a conversation about drol in my keyno thread............ahhh shit.....i still wouldnt care
Big A said:
Some people claim almost a 'rush' as soon as they take it. I think that's probably placebo.

But as far as seeing results, since for example, one bottle would last you 25-30 days. Considering it is comparable to primo, would that be long enough to see anything happen, or would you have to run it longer before seeing anything happen. I guess in other words, does it take some time to 'kick-in' like some AAS do, and if so, how long?
It 'kicks in' pretty much straight away. The primo reference is not about how it delivers the results, but the actual results - you will have a fuller, leaner, more energetic result to the body, just like primo does.
Ah, I understand now. Thanks, BigA. I'm going to have to try this stuff out.
its legal persay for oral consumption only lol get it at synthetek bro i started 3 days ago and can already see some small changes. bump for an awesome business too big a would recomend to anyone.
Glen Whitestone said:
Well, big one here, is it legal? Most likely not since it's an inject. If it is, where can one score some?

It is legal and it has US customs approval, so you can buy it without any worries - It's called Syntheselen.
Bignick said:
i have heard of guys using it but i cant think it is very popular....just wondering if anyone has experimented wiht it

Hey BigDick, I looked into this about a year ago but never got around to trying it.

Are you going to try it? Keep us posted, what is the status? Have you ordered any yet?

Good Luck Bro'