Knee Injuries

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Is anybody familiar with knee injuries? The outer part of my left knee is killing me. I think I injured it at work, but I don't want to report it and get harassed. I drive a standard everyday and the past couple of days I've been driving one at work with a stiff clutch. I don't know if this could have caused it or if maybe I did it in the gym. Either way I have a little swelling, but no bruising so I don't it is a ligament issue, but I can barely walk up or down stairs. It has also become a chore to drive home because it hurts to push the clutch in. I'm just wondering if it's something serious or if it could possibly heal on its own
Sounds like a repetitive type of injury from overuse. The only real way to heal from it is to stop doing it. Unfortunately, it's from your job so you can't get away from it too easily. I would suggest a heat or cold pack.

Here's an article about repetitive stress injury (The article is far too long to post here):

Repetitive Strain Injuries Tutorial
That could be it. The pain is hard to describe. At times I can't walk up staors without literally having to hold the railing and basically pull myself up them. Then there will be times when it hurts but not enough to really hamper walking much at all. It kind of feels like my knee is not stable. That's why I thought it could possibly be an LCL or something like that. When it is at its worst I can't put weight on it and if it happens while I'm walking I nearly fall down
lets hope it not arthratis and go for tight muscles try stretching out your quads by Pulling your left foot with your left hand until you feel a stretch at the front of your thigh hold the stretch for about 25 seconds go back to a standing position and repeat again or try with the hams by Bending your left knee to place your left foot against the inner side of your thigh. Lean forward from your hips to reach as far forward as you can until you feel a stretch at the back of your thigh. Hold the same as quads about 25 then return to a sitting position and like bigz said use hot and cold packs.. or a heating pad over night if you have one on hand!
I will try stretching and see what happens although right now the thought of it alone hurts. As far as hack squats go, I only do barbell hack squats
Yes, I never squat over 225 without them. I also have strict form and do not let my knees go over my toes.
Isolated LCL injuries are really uncommon. If it was LCL u would be able to pinpoint when the injury occurred. Also, the same applies to a meniscal tear. More than likely u would also be able to pinpoint the incident.
Since the pain comes and goes with severity and its also most isolated to the lateral side i would assume you have what is called a plical band. Plical bands are found in all infants and toddlers and about 10 % of ppl retain whats called a suprapatellar plical band. As you mature this band can get caught between the patella and the trochlear groove when walking. Most times people dont notice it until it becomes inflamed. Rest, ice, nsaids should help but once it becomes inflamed and synovitic it will likely continue to bother you off and on. The fix is quick, about a 5 min knee scope to shave out the plical band and 99% of patients are happy. :)
Isolated LCL injuries are really uncommon. If it was LCL u would be able to pinpoint when the injury occurred. Also, the same applies to a meniscal tear. More than likely u would also be able to pinpoint the incident.
Since the pain comes and goes with severity and its also most isolated to the lateral side i would assume you have what is called a plical band. Plical bands are found in all infants and toddlers and about 10 % of ppl retain whats called a suprapatellar plical band. As you mature this band can get caught between the patella and the trochlear groove when walking. Most times people dont notice it until it becomes inflamed. Rest, ice, nsaids should help but once it becomes inflamed and synovitic it will likely continue to bother you off and on. The fix is quick, about a 5 min knee scope to shave out the plical band and 99% of patients are happy. :)

I guess that's good news. I was worried at first about the LCL but since I didn't have much swelling or bruising it had me confused. But this makes sense because I could feel like a pop in the knee at times and that'd either make it feel better if it was a severe pain or hurt worse if it wasn't that painful at the time
Yea man. Just my two cents but it sounds a lot like an inflamed plica. Theres always a chance its a tear in the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus but like i said you would more than likely be able to pinpoint when an injury like that occurred. And more specifically it would be an injury that occured while your leg was in full extension. Anterior tears are 99% full extension injuries, posterior tears are flexion injuries.