Lets see Relationship ?

Okok- Im sure you have more to offer then a fuck toy! lol! I guess that was a bitchy thing to say! HAHA

I dont normally get jumpy about woman bashing posts.. but I was thinking this smart ass called me dumb! and you hit a nerve!
I really don't know what it is about people. (I wont just say all women, because I know guys do the same things) They like to play games...I'm 21 and it seems like my maturity level is way above any girl my age. I can't find any girl that is hot, mature, got their shit together, etc. Where are all the good ones at?
nicole+ posting = dumbass(just kidding sexy)

Well i talked to this girl that i like last night online, and first everythign was going cool. then her just talking to me set me off, when some girl questions what i know about cars, which I have been building since the age of 6. Been in Shops my whole life. And she gets the nerve to say i dont know my stuff. So im like im done talking, then she goes i hear u got a girl. Im like wtf, u know i dont have a girl. Im seriously never talking to her again.
Nicole said:
LOL!!! Only before you turn 21! That would make you my youngest boy toy ever!

I'm 20 for 11 more months so that's plenty of time for you to get prepared.

You may learn a thing or two. ;)
LOL! Well 21 is my youngest.. I think 32 is the oldest.. and that was recently.. lol! I like em young..

15 and I go to jail! LOL!
no guy is goin to tell on u nicole. Like a lil kid is goin to go home, mom me and this 23 year old had sex, thats not goin to happen. find you one in highschool nicole