Lump at injection site


New member
Hi guys, need a little help. I've been on igf for the last week or so and everything was going ok until a shot I took two days ago (subcutaenous). It stung going in and I figured it was just the BA but I've developed a lump at the site which is very sore to the touch. Has anyone had a similar problem?
ive heard numerous people having this its best to inject IM for the igf bro ive heard those lumps can take months to go aways. i dont think theres really anything to worry about.
yea sometimes it happens to me too
it usualyy goes away within a day or two

but in a few days if it doenst seem to get any better i would have it checked out
I had this once it was from bacteria the doc called it cellulitus and had to get antibiotics. Mine was itchy as hell though.Nothing like scrathin your ass all day and night
Lumps that take a long time to go away are a sort of common occurrence with IGF subQ injections. Most bros here inject IGF IM instead to avoid that problem. The main reason it occurs is because of the BA--if that was what was used in it. IGF made with AA does not do this.
i def. would do the IM as you know the igf helps with site enhancement as well.
don't be surprised if the lump doesn't go away for a lot longer than you expect. My first IGF cycle I went SubQ with the first couple of days worth of shots and i had small pee sized lumps in my stomach for months afterwards. They didn't hurt but it was uncomfortable doing lower abs like hanging leg raises and such... they'll go away but like you said go IM from now on. The added benefit is the site enhancement you'll get from the IM injections.