making test suspension.

this is why I don't make suspension and prefer prop.

I have never converted suspension and sorry if recipe did not work it was from a well know kitchen alchemist.
Sturge said:
Not to knock the recipe, but I fail to see how 10% BA in ANY solution would be "painless".

Has anyone here actually followed this recipe and used the end product? I'd love to hear the results.

FYI Most reg suspension has 10-15% BA in them!
Okey dokey..I've got some in the mix right now. Gonna see if it holds true in the PEG without dropping out. If so...I'll give it a shot and see if I can still walk.
Okay, I used the above recipe (10g t base, 10ml ba, 10ml bb, 70mg PEG), heated until clear. Let set overnight, and it was solid this morning. Bummer...
see what i mean bro.... it dont work for some reason... even with the supersolvent it still didnt work for me.

I have a hard time with cyp aswell, it never wants to go clear, it just stays cloudy when I heat it up and wont go clear. Ive tried that one many many times aswell. I will try supersolvent on the cyp and see if it works. The supersolvent worked for prop perfectly.
I'd like to make testosterone suspension too. I have found powders in a list but I don't know which one I should use. Could you tell me if I can use :
* test base BP 98
*test methyl base or propionate
*17a methyl 1-test
i can't remember what "BP 98" means...i think it's the purity.

methyl test is another form of testosterone, it has pretty harsh side effects.
Guys I have been experimenting with test base also with no such luck yet. With the Peg recipes I can get it to hold for a day or two. Tried 75mgs per ml in oil with 5% BA and 15% BB and that dropped out of solution right after it cooled, plugged up my damn filter. Now I read somewhere if you mix methylcellulose with your test base it will hold easily in oil. The only thing I need to find out is what percentage do you mix the cellulose with the base powder? Thanks for any input.
everybody wants painless test susp truth is there isnt one unless its in oil and the release time is not known oil will stay around for a while so your getting maybe out of 100mgs day1 25mgs, day 2 50mgs and so on and so forth its unknown.
i tried oil and never had the same effects with water based susp.
do bact water sterile in a vial add the test base you need and shake, if it settles just shake before use.
the powder should be the constincy of flour bro.

I have done my own this way and the pain is minimal to prop maybe im just used to it though.
geebee & Tom: like strider said, test suspension is not going to be painless. you will pretty much just have to put up with the discomfort while using it. also, a suspension is just that, there's a difference between a solution and a suspension. a solution is what you make with cyp, enanth, prop, deca, eq...ect. but stuff like winny and test suspension are only SUSPENDED in the carrier. they are very hard to get into a solution, and almost not even worth trying, just shake it up and inject.

testosterone is actually non water soluble.
yes suspension is micrystalline powder suspended in a water and ba solution. the ba is minor and its mostly the cystals that cause muscle discomfort.

in oil is actually not a bad idea but like i stated the release time are unknown and kinda defeats what the suspension was designed for or lets say used for.
what is the matter with all of you! test suspension in WATER is the way to go! good old fashioned suspension! take the damn powder (3g), .2g methylcellulose, mix with 27ml .9%bacteriostatic water, 1ml BA, 1ml Propylene Glycol, .25ml lecitin, .1ml surfactant (non toxic liquid soap!), and you will have a kickass product that will pass through a 25g pin like nothing! the methylcellulose, lecitin, and pg work to keep the test suspended in the water for a reasonable amount of time so separation will not occur in the needle or while even draining! The surfactant prevents the syringe from getting stuck in the middle of the shot. The surfactant will not hurt you with that amount - trust me. oh when everything is mixed up beat with an electric mixer - literally! Then heat everything very slowly to just under 210F for 5 min or so to sterilize then add the BA after cooling down to 100F do you won't end up boiling it off from the hot solution.
Geebee said:
But what means "BP 98"?
What is the use of test methyl base ?

xsnrg is correct it means British Pharmacopoeia, I belive the 98 stands for 1998. The year that standard was set by British Pharmacopoeia.