Mens fitness division coming to the NPC


MuscleChemistry member
Just when you think a show cant get any longer, they add another division. The NPC will now have a Mens Fitness Divison.

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Sweet, lets do this Nuk...lets diet down, do just cardio and do a gay routine ...LOL !!!
i heard about this this weekend.... i really cnt believe this shit.
guess it just another way for the npc and promotors to make even more money and not
to mention kill the guys who are dieted down to hell and make them wait even longer into
the night to step on stage.

but on the up side at least they wnt be wearing biker shorts, npc wants them to wear
board shorts.... wnt look as homo lol
Sounds FABULOUS :p
Now not only is every guy going to be an MMA fighter, they will also be Mens Pro Figure Competitors.
I think we're going to have all the creatures come from the woodwork for this now. I love NPC, but this has to be a slap in the face. I can foresee some bodybuilders getting pissed having to be in posing trunks with fucking fairies bouncing around staring at them while practicing a ballerina routine
well when i read the thread title i thought this was a joke, but guess not! Yes this is going to bring out alot of homosexuals, but thst not the fucked up part the fucked up part is the lentgh of the shows now, this is absolute bullshit in my humble opinion,lol

I can forsee bodybuilders swithing over to new federations now. Its only going to take one or two big names to start a new federation just for BODYBUILDERS and not this gay shit
Poor Kai. He finally got as big as humanly possible and they finally bring in the contest he's been begging for.
boards shorts huh? so basically an all abs, shit for legs contest?
You are funny guys... do they have to walk back and forward moving their asses like the bikini girls do?
well when i read the thread title i thought this was a joke, but guess not! Yes this is going to bring out alot of homosexuals, but thst not the fucked up part the fucked up part is the lentgh of the shows now, this is absolute bullshit in my humble opinion,lol

I can forsee bodybuilders swithing over to new federations now. Its only going to take one or two big names to start a new federation just for BODYBUILDERS and not this gay shit

Dude, I hope to God you're right. You know how fucking sweet it would be to go to a bbing only show? No bullshit waiting games? God that would be sweet. Too bad the NPC is the only way an American go pro. Really, it's the IFBB that's running shit into the ground. They need new business model that lands the pro shows on TV, tailoring the shows to fit a broader audience (e.g. cutting down on the transvestites). Additionally, it would be nice if they were open to other federations like you mentioned. Man I hope some big names start their Fed like you said. Cutler would probably be the man to do it. From what I understand, aside from Arnold, based on his winning and investments, he's the wealthiest bbr in the history of sport.
Dude, I hope to God you're right. You know how fucking sweet it would be to go to a bbing only show? No bullshit waiting games? God that would be sweet. Too bad the NPC is the only way an American go pro. Really, it's the IFBB that's running shit into the ground. They need new business model that lands the pro shows on TV, tailoring the shows to fit a broader audience (e.g. cutting down on the transvestites). Additionally, it would be nice if they were open to other federations like you mentioned. Man I hope some big names start their Fed like you said. Cutler would probably be the man to do it. From what I understand, aside from Arnold, based on his winning and investments, he's the wealthiest bbr in the history of sport.

I've heard that as well, but I'd figure Ronnie would be up there too based on the shear number of O's he won, but I don't know how much they paid in the first few that he won, but I'm sure it's progressively gone up
I've heard that as well, but I'd figure Ronnie would be up there too based on the shear number of O's he won, but I don't know how much they paid in the first few that he won, but I'm sure it's progressively gone up

You over looked my comment on investments. Jay is inversted in a variety of different biz-ventrues. Ronnie, like Dexter, invested in chrome rims