Meredith Berthelson - Californa Pro!


V.I.P. Trust
Meredith had a fantastic showing at the California Pro.

Although her placing was not favorable it is easy to agree she looked Amazing!



Yes she looks great. Very nice legs for such a long legged lady! Tell her to Keep up the hard work. We would love for to post on here!
I missed this as did Silk. We were just wondering about how she did the other day. She looks great. Did the judges give her any feedback about her placing? In the IFBB they seem to be much better about doing that.
I missed this as did Silk. We were just wondering about how she did the other day. She looks great. Did the judges give her any feedback about her placing? In the IFBB they seem to be much better about doing that.

This is what JT (Meredith's Partner) said about that.

Meredith looked awesome for this show. She talked to the judge out here and he said, "her leg splits" were just too much. lol. Well, she was harder at the Toronto pro and Steve Weinberger told her that her condition was fine and all she needed to do was "bring up her back and deltoids so her waist would look narrower".

I liked Steve's advice! :)

Anyway- look at these pictures. She isn't too lean in my opinion and she wasn't any bigger than any of the other girls.

and this is all that Meredith had to say on the matter.

Lynx said:
Thanks everyone, your support means a lot to me.
There are bound to be shows where you do good and no so good. It's all a learning experience. There were a bunch of great physiques on stage, I didn't envy the judges at all! I met some really great competitors and hope to see them at other shows.

In any case, we are very proud to have such a dedicated and humble athlete representing us.

Here is shot of Meredith representing!


We will let her know she has some fans over here, maybe she will drop by :)
It's cool to see an athlete of her caliber that's still so humble. We're fortunate to have several ladies like that here now, hopefully Meredith will make one more!
It's cool to see an athlete of her caliber that's still so humble. We're fortunate to have several ladies like that here now, hopefully Meredith will make one more!
I agree...way too many catty girls out there. Tell Lynx she looks awesome and we'd love for her to drop by and say hi :)
She would definetly gain some fans from here if she would stop by and chat, he'll I'm already a fan!
what a woman!!! if she's sinlge im asking her out on a date, ill fly to where ever she is at.