My bench maxout.

Kool thanks. Because all we really did in basketball season last year. Was run suicides we did a total of close to 200 of them a week. to the yellow line and back half court and back yellow line and back and other baseline back back. Towel jumps. and then we did a couple free throw drills. and passing drills and some more running drills. Then we would play a couple scrimmage games. and then at the end of the day we could play normal games with one another till our rides came. I swear that was the best conditioning I have ever , the most amount of suicides we ran in 1 day was like 120 suicides in like 3-4 hours because we lost a game. which was our first game was a huge blowout cause nobody knew the plays and everybody was real tired since we all stayed up the whole weekend and was partying
Ohhh nope we sure didnt

We didnt stay up late or party for the rest of the season . Neither did we lose again :) We won all other games except for that first one. Because our conditioning was so good and everything. But we still ran atleast 25 suicides a day. And we still did all the other drill and scrimmages also. Whenever someone messed up during a scrimmage or drill. Or missed a free throw that was another suicide for us tho. Plus whenever someone didnt finish a suicide in less than 20 seconds everybody had another suicide. That 120 suicides was only suppose to be 80. But well we got it up to 120 because we didnt always make it back that fast
Keep it up! Its funny cause I remember doing the same stuff in high school.

Just remember to eat lots of protein. Always have food around, try to eat clean though.... Tell your mom you love her steaks-lol.
Malic said:
Do you think I should do the pushups morning and night along with bodyweight squats morning and night and towel jumps morning and night? So I can build my bench , squat , vertical. and also maybe make my 40yard faster???

This sounds to me like this would be the best! If you can fit it would sure be good. -- thanks for explaining to me what towel jumps are! :)
well for what i kno in increaseing bench.. do u get stuck more on the bottem, or mid to top of the lift

if its lower you need more strength in the chest, higher up u need more strength in the triceps
Where do you live Bro. Maybe we can get you some equipment. I probably have 3 or more old benches just stowed away in the basement.