my new favorite injection site....

I was a bit hesitant at first but now i prefer it over anywhere else. Its easy to do so you dont twist or turn, you can easily remain still and after you do it a couple of times your heartbeat doesnt raise while injecting b/c your calm about it. Try it, def worth it.
i liked pecs the first few times i used them, but after 4 or 5 times i believe i hit a nerve in my right pec. it obviously twitched when i hit it, but now there's a little 3" spot that i cannot feel when flexing my pecs. it's a little wierd, maybe physcological?
da_Fonz said:
Well I use 25gauge 1'' for pecs and tri's for my test and whatever else i'm running with it.

Thanks dude. Now I am def going to try it. I have shot just about everywhere else. Traps were fun, but I struck something in my left one and blood came pouring out when I removed the pin. Its all fun and games until you make yourself bleed, then its just fun and the game is over.
I havent tried traps, dont like the idea of havign a needle near that region but thats just me. I find that quads, pecs, tris, bis, delts, glute is enough for me, lol.