nasty tren cough?


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the last couple times ive taken my tren and prop, immediately after i take the needle out, i start coughing. i also get a bad copper taste in my mouth, but i have heard of that before. but the cough is crazy, it takes my breath away, and i have to sit there and try to catch it for like ten mins. im def not the only one, because my roommate had the same thing happen to him after his injection. does ths happen to anyone else? and WTF is the explanation? :drooling:
Yes its common- I believe it is from the binders when the product is made. I got that today. The best solution- inject very slowly and if mixing solutions, inject the tren first not last. My two cents. If it happens take very dep breaths.
I get it a couple times a cycle. I seems to hit more vessels near the end of cycle. Just try to keep movement to a minimum when injecting. I always load the tren last so it goes in first as mmx2 said.
Got it yesterday second time ever out of many runs. I aspirated however when i was done i looked at the pin and there were two tiny blood droplets that backed into the clear plastic part of the pin after i had pressed it hard to finish it off. Never had to curl up on the floor or anything, just sit down with a glass of cold water and breathe slow and deep for like 5-10 and it backs off.

I dont know if this is a valid answer for the cause but I am 90% sure it only happens when the tren gets right into the blood, you could even pass through a vein on the way in and then accidently back it out justa lil and it would be in the vein.

Also, dont know if this makes sense but I believe tren is a prostaglandin, and this effect is identical although weaker than the chest tightening you experience after injecting pgf2a. Any one know about prostaglandins???
I had it happen once have way through and I thought I was having a heart attack or something. Once it wore off in about 10 minutes, I stuck the pin back in and finished the injection, but shit I thought it was the big one. LOL!
Bump Az, I think it is related to the tren getting into the blood. This would lead me to beleive that tren is a vasoconstictor, since thats whats cuasing the type of cough is tightening of the blood vessels in the aveoli. Any one know if it is a vasocstictor? AZ why do you say you think tren is a proglastin? Are they known to cnstict vessels? Good topic guys lets hear it.
815_4_life said:
i got bad shin splits off of it, and nipple discharge, but took dosinex and it cleared up.

now shin splints i have never heard of but the cough is a definate.....i got shin splints from running on pavement in crappy running shoes though....
You can get the cough from test too, it isn't only limited to tren. I've had this phenomenon happen to me several times over the last six years, and I never knew what caused it. I got it yesterday, in fact, and the same thing happened to me as with AZ1--a couple of drops of blood upon pulling out even though nothing happened when I aspirated. When it happens, I can't breath deeply or it causes me to cough. It finally wore off this morning. Does tren have any BA in it? I know my test cyp does have a small amount. It is my opinion that it is the BA that causes it.
I've argued this point on other boards to, I beleive its a reaction to the hormone, not the ba. I have gotten it from test as well. To answer your question T damn near everything has ba in it. I'm told that the cough is cause by constriction of the blood vessels in the air sacs, so its got to be something getting into the blood stream and constricting them asap. I haven't found anything on Ba having these properites but thats not to say it doesn't. Another reason why I don't think its the ba is that I have never gotten it from IGF that I know was in straight Ba. I used several vials and never got the cough, even when I saw blood leak out of the hole. If it was the ba, I don't know how to explain the lack of severity with other compounds.....when I get it with test or eq, its a mild cough and not at all alarming......with tren its violent and chest really tightens, I have even vomitted before from the coughing spell. Just my look at things though
I have never got it from IGF either so maybe that's it, Brew. I knew something had to be causing it. Tren, I understand is a harsher compound so I can understand if it causes a more violent coughing spell. Still, the first time it happened, it scared the hell out of me--thought I had done something really wrong.
my shin splints go away soon after i quit the tren, the breathing is a huge problem for me too, but the side effects are well worth it i believe.