Neck Damage Update


New member
Okay, so get this...

I did NOT pull my neck out of whack!

(for reference, read post "new member, new question")

Last night my wife and I were... um... you know. Right.

And I was just laying there. No movement (I had cleaned the house, you see) :-)

So right as we finish... feels good, feels great... then


Massive wave of pain in the back of my head!

Just like on the leg press!

It must be my sinuses or something along those lines.

I would have rather it had been a neck muscle because now I'm back to not being so sure.

And now I don't want my wife to touch me, either!

The gym vet is huddled in the corner....

"Get away woman! You're trying to pop my head!"

I wonder what it is?
Time to go see a doc. You don't want your head to explode or anything because you didn't get it checked.
I had this once before. I went away on its own. I don't think I can get into the doctor for the next 4 day at least because of the holiday.


Earlier today, coroners at the police department confirmed that Brian Hazard, a local resident, died of a massive whatthefuck that occured at the base of his skull, rather than the previously believed turkey overdose.

"There was no initial reason to believe that a whatthefuck had occurred," reported cheif coroner Jill Withers. "Most people with die from turkey this time of year. We just assumed the same was true here."

Withers was not suprised to find the whatthefuck in Hazard's head. "It's not uncommon for gym vets to suffer from whatthefucks. They can happen in any given part of the body. Most people never see the doctor about them because they're not sure if they're actually hurt or if its just some sort of aching.

An employee of the local YMCA reported to have frequent contact with Mr. Hazard. "Yeah, he was in here all the time. Two, three times a week."

When asked if the employee, who wished to remain unnamed, noticed anything unusual about Mr. Hazard's recent workouts, the employee said he did. "Last time I saw him in here, he was on the seated leg press. A few minutes later we was leaning against the wall by the water fountian grasping the back of his head."

Another gym patron also saw Brian Hazard that day. "He was sitting on the leg press with his face all squinched up and he was grabbing his neck. I remember him saying, "What the fuck..."

Post-mortem reports indicate that the whatthefuck was caused by karma brought about through youthful transgresstion.

-Associated Press (not really)
I did something similar last year. I was doing "Beyond Failure Training". I did like a 70 rep Leg Extension Set and I rolled my eye's back to get the last few rep's when something blew in my head. I threw up in the Men's Room at the gym and then finished my workout. I felt like I had a hangover while driving home from the gym and decided to see my Doctor. They did a CT of my head and diagnosed me with a small vessel rupture behind one of my eye's. The doctor side my BP increased so much while doing the set that I rolled my eye's back as a defense mechanism and things could have been a lot worse.

Now the sex part. I had the same problem and I believe it's due to the Vagal stimulation during ejaculation. The headaches went away after about two weeks. Tis the time for giving Bro.


Do your eyes roll back during sex, too?... LOL Must look pretty wicked!!!


(BTW, I think its vagal for the erection, sympathetic for the ejaculation.)
homonunculus said:

Do your eyes roll back during sex, too?... LOL Must look pretty wicked!!!


(BTW, I think its vagal for the erection, sympathetic for the ejaculation.)

You made me dust off the old physiology book for this one.

Erection= marked parasympathetically induced vasodilation of penile arterioles.

Ejaculation= Sympathetically induced contraction of the smooth muscle in the walls of the ducts and accessory sex glannds.

Your right and I guess I need to go back to school.
sounds like you need to rest and eat alot of turkey tomorrow and turkey sandwichs for the next few days til the 'whatthefuk' goes away! LOL