New Diet and the Craps!!!!


Gold Member
Does this ever happen to anyone? I ate like shit for about two weeks and didn't work out. Then I went out and got some protien and all that, started lifting again and started a good diet. Now all I have been doing the last couple days is shitting. You guys think it just the change in food and lifestyle? Cuz this sucks crappin all the time.
is it diarhea or you're just going a lot? it's probably just your body adjusting to the diet changes. Are you taking the protein with milk? I've had the unhappy experience of it happening to me when getting back on protein shakes and making them with milk after not having had that much lactose in a while... the sudden increase in protein along with the lactose is what did it to me. You'll probably be fine tomorrow.
Your stomach can actually get used to certain foods you take on an ongoing basis. If you suddenly switch up everything, one can get an upset stomach, and everything flushes out. When you switch to a new diet, you should do it gradually so you can help your body get used to it.
im in the same boat as we speak tilla yesterday everything i ate i shit out i thought i had a stomach virus still might. but i did change from bulk to cutting in a matter of days so that may be it going from mostly solid foods to some protein shake replacements, i still kinda think its a virus cause everything just passes through in like 30 pissing me off nothing is benefitting right now i wouldnt think.
I just try and increase my fiber. LOTS of veggies seem to help. Not much luck with broccoli, but green beans help me alot
Yea I didn't do it gradually unfortunatly and it is diarhea. I took some imodium yesterday and that helped, but hopefully i'm solid today.
any guys take fiber pills ive seen many people just take like one a day to help with it? not sure if that would help thinkin bout trying it though let me know what you think
I've been using baby carrots to snack on and have been dealing with a runny stool. I was hoping the protein would help, but I think because I started cleaning up things on Jan 3rd. and maybe because I have been dealing with a sore throat and that "run down" feeling. My body is fighting something. I was so good all through Dec, now I'm fighting.
i know when i am cutting real hard i get a case of the shits whenever my diet returns to normal. High protein intake will do that to you if you body isnt used to it. Its just like any other put a different amount of work or throw a curve ball at it...your stomach and digestive track are gonna act a little funny until they get used to it
tilla52 said:
I ate like shit for about two weeks and didn't work out. Then I went out and got some protien and all that, started lifting again and started a good diet. Now all I have been doing the last couple days is shitting.

That's happened to me everytime I've come back from a break from diet and lifting for a week. Only lasts a few days though.