new guy here!!!

skip happens to be a very knowledgeable trainer when it comes to contest prep. not to be a dick, but the man knows his shit!!!
jackedupcrazy said:
not to be a dick but who the hell is Skip???
well respected guy by most. he used to have a training forum here but not anymore. i was talking to him about it the other day.
Sorry that I'm just now checkin these out, you look pumped in those pics bro,nice work bud.
yeah no shit skip knows his shit....has anyone seen those photos of him many weeks out of competition.......then the contest photos....holy shit he is a fucking fat loss god!
getbig27 said:
thanks wheelzdgh---the progress is so slow , regarding growth, i wonder if i will achieve my goals....

Hey getbig27,

I see your with TEAMSKIP, are you DC'in it as well?

Best of luck and kick some ass.
i think you are referring to im not using him or his program at the moment. from what i hear it is very effective though.
hey getbig, if you get to the point where you just seem to have a hard time to put on any more size, they it will be time to se doggcrapp and get with his training program. he is the king at adding mass to anyone, but is especially great with experienced lifters like yourself.. he would be able to get you to whatever goals you have without any problem even after you feel they will not be achieved.
talk to skip about him and he will tell you the same thing.;)