Nice protein snack....

dope ideas in the thread. Forgot about the beef jerky...

One that I've been doing a lot of is melted mozarrella/cheddar cheese on top of a halved bagel or 2. just that on one bagel could add up to about 25-30grams depending how much cheese. I also add ground beef sometimes on top with some pasta sauce, tastes like pizza.
I bought one of those ATkin diet muffin packet and mix those with 6 egg whites, soy flour, whey and flax seeds, artificial sugar, and bake them for 10 min.
Mmmmmmm beef jerky, I want to try making my own, my buddy did that and gave me a months worth:) Tastes better fresh and it doesn't have all the sodium and corn syrup
I've got a good snack i love this one, 1-2 tins albacore Tuna, light miracle whip, inside of a whole wheat flax wrap mmmmmm, i'm hungry lol
Just thought of another one :), a 500ml container of light cottage cheese, only 400 calories or so and 60 grams of quality protein yum yum.
One portabella mushroom cap, seasoned and grilled.....fill the cap with roasted/grilled chicken and then top with motzerella cheese. Makes a tasty meal......a friend acctually came up with this....been making them ever since :D .
Yeah, I did the mush cap with cream cheese and tuna/crab meat added a little diced ioun and it wasn't bad. Strider I hear you on the honey and PB, try adding some choc pro powder to it, 1/2 cup of oats and a little milk, not bad. Same is good with vanilla pro and van 1/4 pack vanillia pudding, honey , oats and some fruit (raisins/bananas)

As far as tun, try these. Mix some dice onion, tuna, mayo and shreeded cheddar. If you want to get healthy with it, all can be fat/sugar free. Get some bread slap them together and put them in a brown paper bag. lay the bag on its side, place in oven at 350 for 25-30 min until bread is toasted and chees melts. These are pretty damn good, might have to move your rack up so the bag doesn't smoke, had a slight problem the fist time I made them.
These are some great recipes guys, keep 'em coming! I'm a huge fan of beef jerky, I always have a bag in the car and at work...

I know it gets old for some people but I still love my hardboiled eggs, I have low cholestrol I've been told so I don't bother with just egg whites. I'm always boiling up a batch, they taste good and travel well
Carbs are 24 and fat is 5, I like to eat this 2 hours or so after my workout for the anti-catabolic properties of casein.
I saw this guy at a open college wrestling tournament, he is a beverly boy who used to wrestle for my college....he is one of the poster boys or whatever for beverly, but n/e ways he had this snack that i just ate the shit out was a whole jar of peanut butter with like 4-5 scoops of protein in it with like a 1/2 cup or something of reeces peices and some was sooooofecking the hell outta tuna.